Blogging Birds

Blogging Birds

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Global Recession

US is still fighting the Job intake , which it considers the holiest number as measure of  GDP improvement. Month to month, the number fluctuates and the stock market quickly captures it and penalizes the small investors. With an unemployment ratio of only 9% , where wages are as high as $10 per hour, it actually has no reason to crib.
For Europe, there is never a talk on Jobs, because that would show Spain as the leading defaulter with almost 50% of its qualified young workforce without a job and followed by Portugal, Greece , Italy and so on.
If the Developed and Developing world really wants the unemployment to be addressed, then the law on Minimum wages needs to be scrapped altogether. This is the major hurdle for the Industry to hire. let the market forces dictate the wages. One will see that though the average wage per hour might come down , yet the unemployment will fall drastically.

Asia , Americas and Africa don't anyway care about jobs and job creation. The over riding interest is to quickly exploit the situation and let the people struggle to survive.
The revolution in Middle East is taking a good shape, but at the end, how will it change the lives of a common man is still unclear.

For the rich, anyway it does not matter, what happens to the economy. The more the economy struggles, the better is the value of the wealth of a person.

China and India for the first time in last two decades are experiencing slow down. Syria, Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Iraq, Bahrain are all in state of flux. Euro has taken a severe beating and Italy, Greece, Portugal, Spain etc are still to shape up. Where is all this leading ?

Global Recession is round the corner. Wait for the prices to drop and ensure that your job remains intact.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Oslo Massacre!

I posted on August 8, 2010 that Norway is the Best Country in the World to Live.

I lay the wreath with millions others on the souls of innocent lives lost for no reason.

The Bombing and the massacre by a Right Wing Fundamentalist has waken up the Norwegian society on the level of frustration that some people have with their governments and the way they redress the frustrations.

A very open society is the one which does not suppress a debate and where the parliament, the right owner of the peoples wishes then shapes the laws and limitations for an overpowering society. It then reflects the true character of a nation. Societies, where not only basic needs are guaranteed by the state , but generally are of above average quality, tend to give the highest order of merit in each of its executions. Sometimes these then tend to be the other extreme , as seen in this particular case.

The very fact that the Police could not show up at the tragedy ground despite multiple help calls, shows that the state is practically non Policed.

The Best states in the world are those, which are least Policed. Hence, I was not surprised that the Police were on a holiday and with their limited force could not really limit the damage. It is well understandable that a society, which does not see much crime or rarely needs police intervention, the security apparatus is largely minimal. Second, the situation in Oslo at the moment, when the massacre took place was one of confusion and chaos. Hence delayed arrival of Police at the crime scene could be well explained by the history and the situation.

The message to the Norwegian Government is not really improving the Policing, but debating the wants of its own people. The Police will anyway improve itself to take care of such situations in future. Who in the world likes Police Sirens disturbing the streets the whole day and night as witnessed in most metro cities.

The Media at the first stage as usual started blaming the Al Qaida Terrorist and Danish Cartoons for the event. It was so clear from the bombing that it could have never been the handiwork of Al Qaida. The bombing of the Norwegian PM office and the ministries could have been only carried out by a Disgruntled Norwegian. A right wing Christian Fundamentalist has now laid the way for Christian Qaida.

The only thing, which I could not understand was that how one single man could manage to shoot more then 70 people. But it also shows that it only takes one single person to cause enough damage to humanity. Whether it was 9/11 or 7/7 or Oslo 77.

Those who swank big armies and big security forces should learn from this that it is not the size of the army or the quality of the arms, which matters, but is the force of Over Powering Debate with unresolved answers , which create more damage. Pen is Mightier Then The Sword In The 21st Century. But if you refuse to listen to the pen, then it automatically explodes sooner or later, as now seen in the case of Norway , Libya, Egypt, Syria, Bahrain etc etc.

Interestingly, when the world came to know that the Person will at best serve 20 years and then be released , it was beyond their understanding that there are societies, where Human Rights Excel Beyond everything else. For countries like US and others, where they have capital punishment need to learn from Norway that after 20 years, a person in prison is a changed person and is no more a threat to society. Also for all those countries, who put big boards on their arrival halls of airport that carrying drugs is punishable by Death. Though are deeply embedded in corruption and human rights abuses themselves. Do they have a right to take away lives of offenders, when the governments themselves are the biggest offenders of human rights and corruption.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Murdoch Mad Masala!

Murdoch has built a global media empire. The sun never sets on the Media empires. They work 24x365 and now they are right there peeping into your bathrooms and bedrooms. The royalty to the politicians to the street vendor all have room on the silver screen of media. How, otherwise can a media business keep its customers glued to the TV or print media and now Internet.

I am a rather open person and the only place I shut myself is in the Toilet. So, for me, if media scans me byte by byte, it will still find juicer stories, but unless it makes me famous, who is bothered about poor me. I am not a salable character till some story of mine becomes a sucker on facebook or print media.

Now coming back to the Murdoch's phone tapping and the fall of the newspaper. If one is actually an open person, then usually he would believe that his words, his actions, his deeds are already compatible with the society and any case God is watching him, therefore, if media is also watching, does not really make a big difference. The phone tapping got done by the Police and the conversations were sold to the media in some cases. The Top Cop resigned and he should certainly resign. The police are always good in messing up, whether it is NY or UK or Norway or Afghanistan.

When I surf the web, within seconds, it starts returning advertisements on my search results, it then tracks me for each page I visit and each hyperlink I click etc etc. It follows me through till I log off and if somehow some virus could jump out of the screen, it would have actually made its way into my body and started flashing everything about me to the predators. So , what privacy are we talking about. None, what so ever. The modern man is connected to the internet and the internet is profiling your needs , your personality, your job, your salary, your girlfriends, your virtual sex life, your naughty affairs and all your secrets . In effect it is the " Real Me" , though well described as the " Virtual Me"

Luckily, Murdoch media is only blamed only for Phone Tapping. If a little more research was done, they would have found that it has hacked the computers of each of its subjects and lucidly fancied on the juicer details, which had commercial value.

We are now reaching a stage of Utopian world. Where everything is perfect. Thanks to the technology. No one will be able to hide nothing. No more hypocrisy, no more lies and no more cheating. Instant results will be flashed about the person on the net, Mr Poogle visited the prostitute 14 times, the best price he paid for his last prostitute was $9 for a short stint. He buys viagra online, his favorite site is Playcam, his girlfriend list is 45, well embedded in 587 facebook friends. His matching genes children can be found on Boulevard Corner and he was rated " C" in his performance appraisal by the madam. Courtesy : Pikkyleaks.

In a changed world, it is not that one has to make laws more stricter to not permit others to scan your life, but to modify your life to become nice and clean, so that it is like an open book for everyone to read. Murdoch is there everywhere around you now. How much will the people conceal themselves, there is no further scope. Till now, it was God , who was watching you. Now, everyone is watching you.

At the end, I don't really mind, if the politicians whom we trust to deliver the goods and services are regularly scanned for their conduct and job performance . No matter, what technology is used and what means are used.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Sex and the City : Strauss Kahn

What Berlusconi , Tiger Woods, Bill Clinton have different from Strauss Kahn is that they were not charged for sexual assault , but were all in the same circus.

The whole thing about sexual promiscuity needs a global debate and a new positioning. Unless, of course, we all wish to live in a fools paradise of covered up sex values.

There are good things about modern society and there are very good things about modern society. When in medieval age, women was restricted to home and family. The new age is about working women, independent and working alongside men in almost all areas of life.

Now, if one tends to believe that he is larger then the force of nature, otherwise, every area, where men and women have a common platform of interaction, there will be always forces of attraction , which brings people into physical and mental relationships outside their sphere of socially accepted family circle.

Women usually lead men and in no case a man does force jump his way onto a women, without the consent of a women. Unless you are a fool like Strauss Kahn .

In my own case of global travelling, I have experienced many a times, where the chambermaids tried wooing me for a sex stunt and it is only my own values that stop me from the adventures, but this did not mean that I rushed to the nearest court and filed a case of Rape.

I do not know the severity of assault by Strauss Kahn in his advances, but going by the global standards of sex sales, where hotels are notorious haven for out of family sex. Where sex selling is freely advertised in news papers as massage services and Internet offers sex on a click, then the moral and social and legal take of sex and sex charges have to be revisited.

Most women ask me this question, " Why is that men are not faithful to their wife ?" And I always tell them , " God has made men like this , so please ask God" When Strauss Kahn wife supports him after his misdemeanour then it is already a case, where women is ready to be with her man besides his misadventure. We saw the same case of Bill being bailed out by Hillary and hence the values and laws related to sex need a fresh debate.

Let me also assert here, that there is no such man in this world, ( Ok, there are few ) who is not longing to have sex outside his family. Blame it on the new world. Blame it on the new life. Blame it on whatever, but do come out and talk about the need for an understanding the marital position after sex outside the family, whether by men or by women.

The Fall Of Divinity of one man , one women is the price we have to pay for the modern life. Unless of course, we choose to accept that all women outside their home will wear a Burqa and men and women will be separated by arms length . So, choice is yours, to return to medieval ages and be content with women locked up in the home or a free independent women leading her way to a nice beautiful world and suitably aligning herself to the changing moral values. What was morally corrupt till yesterday is morally fit today.

And what happens on the Judgement Day ? Well with the whole world aligned into one value, then either God has to sent all and one to Heaven or all to Hell. Whichever way, United We Stand.

Khushwant Singh , a leading Indian journalist recently was asked at the age 90. " What did he regret most ?" And he replied that ," He did not sleep with enough women. he wished , he could have slept with more " Oh Lord, Give us this Day , our daily......................... And there be Heaven on Earth..........Amen.

Monday, May 30, 2011


What this country needs are more unemployed politicians. -Edward Langley, Artist (1928 - 1995)

"If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed, if you do read newspaper you are misinformed." ; -Mark Twain

Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Parliament.... ; But then I repeat myself.; -Mark Twain

I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man, standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle. -Winston Churchill

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.
- George Bernard Shaw

A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off with your money..; -G Gordon Liddy

Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner. -James Bovard, Civil Libertarian (1994)

Foreign aid might be defined as a transfer of money from poor people rich countries to rich people in poor countries. -Douglas Casey

Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys. ; -P..J. O'Rourke, Civil Libertarian

Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavours to live at the expense of everybody else. -Frederic Bastiat, French Economist (1801-1850)

Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases; If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And If it stops moving, subsidize it. -Ronald Reagan (1986)

I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts. -Will Rogers

If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's free! ; -P.J. O'Rourke

In general, the art of government consists of taking as much money as possible from one party of the citizens to give to the other. -Voltaire (1764)

Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean >> Politics won't take an interest in you! -Pericles (430 B.C.)

No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session. -Mark Twain (1866)

Talk is cheap...except when Parliament does it. -Unknown

The government is like a baby's alimentary canal, with a happy appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other. -Ronald Reagan

The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of the blessings. The inherent blessing of socialism is the equal sharing of misery. -Winston Churchill

The only difference between a tax man and a taxidermist is that the taxidermist leaves the skin. -Mark Twain

The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools. ;> -Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)

A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong; enough to take everything you have. -Thomas Jefferson

Monday, May 9, 2011

Global Government Reforms : Taxation N Policing

The two arms of any Government which are most abused in any country of the world are : Police and Revenue Department.

Both are extremely important to run the Government, which provides services in a lawful environment. But in both the cases, the Person executing the powers vested onto them slips into a maglomaniac personality , believing that he is now the Gift of God to mankind. Since the systems do not provide for checks and balances , where the society at large controls the bureaucrats ( and not the politicians ) , the bureaucrats tend to get away with wrongs.

Study the case of any government in the world and you will find the biggest litigator is the Government itself. Fighting almost all its own citizens either on Tax or land disputes or politically motivated charges or simple vendetta.

In Third World, the most corrupt are the Revenue Department and the Police. The revenue department rather then looking at tax payers as the customers who are financing the budget of the government treats them like defaulters. The tax laws itself are made so complicated, that it goes through series of expert interpretations, before any sense can be made out of it.

Taxation does not need tons and tons of books and volumes of interpretations. Tax on sales is already big enough . Income tax, service tax , etc etc are all unnecessary intrusion into the personal lives of people. No person wants that any other person should know and least the Government should know the income made by him.

Again look around you and almost everything that you buy , sell, use is taxed and taxed multiple times. And if this was not enough, then the little earning out of your hard work is again taxed. The tax goes into finance the government employees and all its social projects. The Military which is supported by the tax of its own people, then goes onto attack its own people as now being seen in Syria , Libya, etc. In many African countries and Third world countries, these armies routinely plunder their own people. Should there not be a law which prohibits army firing its own people and if so the army chief facing ICC.

When it comes to Policing, it is still more interesting. An Institution , which was build to keep law and order in the society has now become the most feared institution. Ask a child, what he thinks of a policeman and he would comment him as the monster. It is also the institution, which no one in the Third world Trust. In Indonesia, they have saying, " If you go to report to the police the loss of your two chickens, you will end up loosing your goat". But this is true for most third world countries.

However, having said that , it does not mean that there are no good Revenue Officers or Good Police Officers. In fact a lot of people still fear God and don't want to indulge in obstructive activities , however, get carried away by the system. And that is why , whatever sense is still there in these department still prevails.

In both cases, the next level of redressal is "Judiciary" . The situation being such that in most Islamic nation, one would rather trust the Sharia Law to be a quick and fair system of Judiciary. For the non Islamic countries, the laws are drawn from the 15th and 16th century and most of the laws are such , where the Colonial powers made to rule over their subjects and are still carried down.

It is about time, when Governments have an introspection and review both the Revenue collection systems and Policing. The Revenue department should stop this business of continued notices for payment collection on account of misinterpretation of laws and work on collecting payments on sales of goods and services.

The Policing, altogether needs an overhaul. Police for Criminals and police for general law and order cannot be the same. General policing has to be the extended hand of Government, which is helping the public. At the outset, it should have a Uniform change. Because the current uniform whatsoever only brings a stereotyped personality of the user. A rather long subject and I will write more about it later.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Stop Viscose, Save Forest : UN Year of Forest- 2011

In the UN Year of Forest- 2011. My contribution as a Textile Expert would be to create awareness amongst the people against Viscose and its Forest Exploitation.

For all those , who are not aware, Viscose is made out of Wood Pulp and hence eats away our forest.

The current global capacity of viscose production is 2.5 million tonnes per year.

1 kg of Viscose = 4 kgs of Tree Wood
2.5 million tonnes of Viscose = 10 Million Kgs of Tree Wood
1 Tree of 20 years age = 500 kgs of Tree Wood
Viscose Deforestation per year = 20 Million Trees

Think of the environment before you buy a Viscose or Viscose Blended Fabric or Garment or any viscose substrate product.

Pls start a campaign writing under your emails, one of the options.


Think of the environment, before using Viscose Fibres, yarns, Fabrics, Garments.

Viscose :Non Sustainable Forestry.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Osama Bin Laden - Al Qaeda Obituary !

When Hitler finally got killed/ got himself killed , it was an end of an era of Second World war. Co-incidentally OBL was also killed on the same date viz May 1, 2011.

OBL was a fool of the first order. If only he would have used his ideology to attack the corrupt monsters of Middle East and glorified himself in the name of Islam, perhaps, he would have become a hero of all times. But instead he went in to attack innocent citizens in the name of attack on US and other countries.

The final reprisal was not the death of some 3000 innocents in WTC, but more then a million who finally had to pay a price in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and many more countries. He successfully created a rift between Muslims and the rest of the world. More and more Muslims found themselves struggling to tell the world that they were as good or as bad as others, however, trust is like a broken glass. A prize was now being paid by whole generation of people who had nothing to do with OBL, but because of sharing the same faith had got marginalized.

Interestingly, the Moslem's in middle east have now shown to the world that for them OBL was never an ideology or an entity . Because , Egypt , Tunisia and now Libya, Syria ( In the Making ) did not go the Muslim Brotherhood way to form a theocratic state as in Iran. Also, the people in these countries have shown extreme courage by standing against corruption, bureaucracy, autocracy , unemployment , illiteracy and poverty.

The Awakening of Middle East has taken away largely the " Islamophobia" and pushed Al Qaeda into a marginalized force, which actually was responsible to bring shame to so many rich traditions of Islam.

The end of OBL would mean largely the end of Al Qaeda. While some block headed will still go and commit suicide bombings , however, I would still reckon that it is only a matter of time where the remnant leadership is also trapped and killed.

For those who keep shouting that Al Qaeda is an ideology , then this ideology of idiots and killers will have no subscribers , other then petty gangsters posing as monsters.

OBL and all his associates would have been killed right after US bombing of Afghanistan, if only the Americans had shown the courage to take over the borders of Pakistan and would have then attacked Waziristan and other such notorious areas. Knowing well that most militants crossed over to Pakistan from Tora Bora mountains, yet the US did not take any actions. This is why , I always say, Americans are very fast in running into a war, but don't know, how to win a war.

As for Pakistan, it just cannot complain to be the victim of terrorism, in fact it has been the very host of these terrorist and an open training centre for them. Every single terrorist so far caught has its Graduate Degree from Pakistan and if there is one without the Pak degree, then he is not considered Harvard Qualified . If Pak. allows terrorist to enjoy the hospitality , then for sure the terrorist rules will apply and not the civilian rules.

But that also does not mean that Pakis support terrorism, infact most of them are dead against these jokers. It is only the ISI and some elements of the establishment and the weakness of the Government that such jokers have found a safe sanctuary.

Even now, Pak Government should call the Army chief and ask him to wage a war in Waziristan and take help of the Americans and clean up all other similar pockets and start afresh with new slate.

Well, again the winner coincidentally is " George Bush" , though the Nobel prize still goes to Obama. Not that I am one bit fan of George Bush, but cannot stop giving his rightful honor for bringing whatever sense into Afghanistan. Though after the Iraq and Afghanistan experience, I have felt that a state after being run by Dictators needs a cooling period before it migrates to Democracy. Democracy is like a new found freedom after years of bondage and most people don't make sense of it and the bureaucracy immediately takes over the roll of dictators and the state slips into another mess of corruption.

What was most remarkable, the way the operation was carried out. I hope some day soon a movie will be made on it. Well Done US Navy Seals . The world salutes you.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Prostate Buster

Only some time back I had written about the laziness in the Medical Profession and they have replied with vengeance.

A doctor in Singapore, has not designed a new machine, which will go and burst the prostate enlargement / cancer within minutes and without pain, by simple heat.

This is something unique and extraordinary.

Almost all men after 45 experience prostrate enlargement as testosterone levels drop. The real reason for enlargement is still not know. Some men also move to cancerous situation. Though prostate cancer if trapped at early stages is controllable, yet is not a preferred situation.

There is also a new test, which predicts the chance of prostate cancer late in life and hence the precautions.

The only thing, which still intrigues me about the way the new innovations are presented to the world. The Doctor after presenting the new equipment, then comes up and says, may be it would taken another 2 to 3 years before it can be introduced, though the test over years have been already done over 20 to 25 patients. May be statistically insignificant, yet it is an option, which should be offered instantly to a patient, willing to take the extra risk.

Every other technology becomes commercialized within 6 months, but with medicine it takes a decade, before it finds its way for possible health benefits.

Anyway, good medical professionals, something is getting done.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Middle East War : And the Winner is "George Bush".

The whole world, UN, Arab League and the man on my street here is now screaming that US and NATO forces should do the needful in Middle East. They want each of these dictators to be booted out and a New Democratic Order put in place. And perhaps, I am the only one saying that now this booting will never be required again. George Bush has set the example . If dictators don't step aside and take this opportunity to slip into some heavenly resort in oblivion , then they risk getting hanged and be ashamed in history books. Egypt and Tunisia dictators were smart and they understood well and will enjoy the balance of their lives. However, for all the others, it is about time they take a clue or take a blue.

Unfortunately, the media does not boldly transfer this message across the continent. It is only reflecting the things as they happen. Nor does global leadership come and announce, beware, it was only US last time in Iraq, but now the whole world is supporting the ouster of dictators.

In retrospect, the world is accepting that , what George Bush did in removing Saddam Hussein was the good and right way of removing a dictator and bringing Democracy to a nation. I was perhaps the only person who kept screaming that though Bush reasoning of attacking Iraq on WMD is wrong , yet Saddam needs to be booted out. And Dictators like Saddam do not leave without a war. Hence, the last option has to be exercised. No one ever supported my argument.

It is another matter that after collapse of Saddam Bath party, the most unusual thing took over the country. Atleast for me , I never had known that there was such a strong sectarian divide between he local population and Iran and Syria would immediately try to exercise influence and bring its sect into leadership. But, then that was me. I did not expect the American army to not know about this. The transition to democracy became a nightmare guerrilla war between two sects and the US army.

Here too , I would say, US army is just too naive. We have seen this in Iraq and we have seen this in Afghanistan and before that in Vietnam and in Korea . They know, how to enter a war very fast. But they don't know, how to Win A War.

I once told a visiting American Diplomat, that your army chief in Afghanistan comes on TV and then announces that we are sorry for the civilians life , while shooting Taliban's in remote areas. He should stand up and say, Mr Hamid Karzai, I would request you to kindly ensure that the civilian population does not mix up with the Talibans otherwise, our air strikes still do not have such high technology ,where it can sense, the target as Taliban or Civilians. We will guarantee that our targets will be always hit and if civilians choose to cover Taliban's, then our bombs will not distinguish them.

Iraq was still more blunderous. At the height of insurgency, US was only trying to tame the insurgency and was trying to bring in some kind of order. A totally wrong strategy, which resulted into 8 years of continuous killings and then formation of a government, which could easily be seen sliding towards Iran and Syria. Much against the wishes of US.

But, who is to blame again ? US ofcourse . If only George Bush was a leader like Winston Churchill, he would have gone and told Iraq, I will give you 6 months to behave yourself and stop all these insurgent activities and cooperate to form a government, otherwise, I would divide Iraq into four quarter, one for Kurds, One for Shias , One for Sunni and the Oil Rich for The Americans .

All the divisions would have finished amongst all the sects and each of them would have mutually respected other sect to ensure that Americans don't get away with the Oil and don't divide their country. However, Bush was nowhere comparable to Churchill . Brits had divided Iraq into Iraq and Kuwait. Infact the whole Ottoman empire collapse was overseen by the Brits and they were the ones who drew lines on maps for territorial divisions. Which the Palestinians are fighting it out till today.

Bush finally got booted by one of the journalist in Baghdad . And the whole world laughed it out. For me it was the day of Ultimate Victory of Democracy in Iraq. If Bush was sensible , he should have got the boot er onto the stage and told the global audience. Today, a journalist in Iraq can stand up and throw a shoe onto me as guest of of Iraq President. If only this was done at the time of Saddam, he would have been thrown to the Piranhas and his bones would have been kept for viewing in State Museum. Therefore , for him, with all the evils of the war, yet the human rights of people and a fearless future for this journalist is still a gift from Bush.

The Media had a ball of a time during the Iraq War. Bush Beating was the subject and perhaps, till his last day in office, he was considered a bigger Monster then Nixon.

However, look at the Irony of fate, the situation in Middle East has galvanized into a state, where the whole world is begging practically for US and NATO to do the Bush .

Most interestingly, much of it will not be required as none of the dictators will forget the fate of Saddam or Milosevic and now of Charles Taylor. It only needs a small warning and repeated showing of clips of hanging of Saddam on international TV . And also show, how Egypt and Tunisia ex Prez are enjoying their lives . Rest will happen automatically.

Libya currently is being debated for arming the rebels. This would be a disaster. Only simple convincing of Gaddaffi and an exit route is enough. His loyalist should be then allowed to from a political party and contest an election. It is as easy as that. If he refuses to move, serve him an International Criminal Court order for attacking his own people and then move the international force quickly in the name of arresting him. All would be over within 5 days. Also becomes lessons for all the nearby countries.

So, the next big question, what happens, if it shows the Iraq effect of civilian divide and insurgency and terrorism. The answer is simple, get the place secured by an Arab Army like Egypt and let the western armies only remain on border control . The major failure of Americans in Iraq was open Syrian and Iran borders. This made easier for foreign fighters to move into the conflict zone. And still if it breaks into insurgency , then that is fate accompli. Atleast, the world was not seen wanting , when people were crying for help.

Yemen is automatically sliding, Bahrain and all other Kingdoms will have to sit and plan a Monarchy Honorarium like UK etc , Syria is in the most difficult situation. Others waiting to happen are Algeria, Iran, Myanmar etc. We will talk about them as things evolve.

Meantime, Obama should announce a date for sharing his peace price with Bush.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Middle East Mania.

Middle East in on the brink of collapse. Almost all the governments are on sticky wicket. When they fall like pack of cards is still not known.

Atleast after 65 years of World War II, the people in Middle East are waking up and demanding their democratic rights. Far too long, they have been treated like cattle's. The up rise is very easily understandable. Despite the oil wealth ,the middle east has not seen the kind of economic comfort of the common man. The oil wealth has been limited to the hands of few and for the general public, life is still a struggle for survival.

Anycase, change is more then welcome and I salute each single soul, who has left his house and joined the crowd to protest against decades of misgoverning without caring for his life.

My only and biggest worry is that it should not result into moving from Frying Pan To Fire. We had seen change in Iran, when the Shah was overthrown and we already see, what is the result. We had seen change in Iraq, where Saddam was overthrown and we see, what a mess it is. And this is what worries me most.

There are no proper Good Governance Models, which can be immediately implemented. The flux can only mean gain for some unscrupulous elements unless Good Governance is well defined and taken over by the new leaders.

Besides the Defense support, which each of these countries might finally need to get rid of their autocratic rulers, the most important support they would need from UN is the Good Governance Models, which they can quickly action it. Otherwise, their situation will be no different from the Ugly corruption and backwardness and bureaucracy of countries, which though are democratic, yet are riddled with screwing their own people.

UN in the coarse of last 65 years has not made one single documents, which defines Good Governance and can be a model which a country could embrace for its progressive outlook. This is the reason I have been critical with UN earlier. Most UN employees, just have a holiday job and enjoy their plum postings and get retired.

UN has a very big job cut out now. If it misses this time, then it will do a great disservice to all the people who are fighting it out for a Brand New Future.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Iraq Bitten Twice Shy.

UN finally resolved to impose No Fly Zone , which tacitly means support of rebels in Libya for displacing Gaddaffi. Though, it is a very interesting situation, where practically the whole of Middle East is now on its way to step out of its Anarchic rulers. And one will have to see, how UN, now handles Baharin, Yemen, Syria and many more.

For US, it has made another mess. Obama with a Nobel peace prize behind him should have kissed his prize a number of times ,before ordering missiles into Libya. US should have allowed Europe to take lead and should have been on the sidelines.

Iraq experience has taught the world , that it is easy to take over a country, but almost impossible to be there and form a sensible Government. Libya is no exception, where even if the rebels take over the country, the loyalist will still have the arms and resources to fight till the last.

There is still time to bail out Gadaffi and come to an understanding, then to see Blood Shed.
If it gets delayed, I will not be surprised, if Libya becomes the big centre for another terrorist group . As for sure, Libya knowing, it cannot win the conventional war will not mind paying petro dollars to suicide bombers to blow European cities.

The war needs to be immediately contained, Gaddaffi should be offerred a bail out and a temporary governing body should be made ready to take over Libya.

While Arab League again could not show any leadership, though many of its own members are on shaky wicket. UN for the first time has taken a good fast decision against a country where it considers that the government is harming its own people.

This can now be used as precedence for overthrowing many many corrupt and brutal regimes like Myanmar.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Japans Nuclear Disaster Or Wake Up Call For The World.

Fukushima nuclear power plant Obituary can be safely written now.

As soon as I had seen the first reactor blow off the walls, it was clear that the place had actually reached Chernobyl state. However, even in Chernobyl , they were not willing to accept the dangerous situation till massive radiation leak started.

Nuclear energy is the most unsafe and most Eco hazardous energy. Anything which goes about to release massive amount of energy, though can be controlled will always remain the highest threat to its user. Chernobyl was considered a design failure of the Soviet Time reactors, however, the truth is that the same design reactors worked in Ukraine and still in Russia.

Any energy out of fission or fusion out of dense fuels like plutonium, uranium , thorium etc can yield massive heat to steam the turbines into power. But this massive yield of heat unless controlled systematically and converted into steam can blow off the strongest structure on earth. This is how the Nuclear Bombs work. In case of bombs, the only difference is that the heat is not used for steam, but for destruction.

Once the reaction is set in, there is absolutely no way to stop the generation. It is like a fired missile. And now, if for some reason, the water level falls or the pumps stop working or any other failure, then the core of the reactor is up into the air. While cooling attempts are made by chilled water around the reactor etc, however for a massive heat generation, these are totally useless. Chernobyl was being tried to shut down and Fukushima also was being tried to shut down, but there are no fast ways to bring down the temperatures and external cooling is too small for such a scale of heat. Perhaps, this is an inherent technology limitation, but possibly the good solution will be to have an endless supply of ice bricks shoved into the reactor, till it cools down. The sea water pumping solution was thought far too late, in fact, it should have been part of the design, wherein as soon as the battery aided cooling was triggered , the sea water pumping should have already made its way into the reactor. It was an excellent idea. Again, at some stage, they should have pressed pumps in action with firehouse feeding of seawater into the reactor. But nothing got done. Nevertheless, atleast all other similar reactors can now take this clue and have a sea hose emergency cooling installed in place.

Japan knowing well, it was on seismic belt , has yet chosen to have one third of its energy from Nuclear sources. I could have never imagined a nation which got badly hurt by nuclear bomb, then adopting a nuclear technology to fuel its power needs. The reason being forwarded is that they have to otherwise depend upon the costly gas and oil generation. Barring some countries with good oil reserves, everyone has to depend upon gas and oil, so what is the big excuse.

Secondly, on a disaster of this scale, Japan should have made a global appeal of getting Atomic Power experts flown into Japan within 24 hours. But the country tries to put his pride ahead of the disaster. And the results is the second reactor is also deleted.

Well, Japan can now kiss good bye to Okuma City and should immediately review all the other nuclear power plants. It now has to deal with the population relocation of 200,000 people. It has to also kiss goodbye now to the marine life around the city for many decades. Greenpeace has its prayers answered, because the whales may or may not be contaminated by radioactive waves, however, atleast the Japanese will stop hunting it for fear of radioactive whales. One still has to see, how far will be the impact of the radioactive leakages go , out of all these zombie reactors.

Europe fears most that one of its nuclear power plant will be targeted by the terrorist with a plane hit direct on it and the city collapsing under radiation. But, the fears now should be the failure of any thing, which can get the uncontrolled heat to bang the place down. It can only be one disgruntled employee.

Germany is the only European country which has voluntarily accepted to phase out nuclear power plants, France and Lithuania still remain the leading nuclear power producers. Even a small country like Switzerland has 4 nuclear power plants. One of it goes phut and the country will be seen only in history books. Time to wake up.

The most hidden part of the nuclear energy is the disposal of Nuclear Waste. At the end, who knows, even the smallest radiation out of these massive waste deposits within the land fillings could be one cause of Earth Quake.

Iran should learn out of this disaster and with all its oil and gas should not find any more excuse of Nuclear Power.

Any case, this is a wake up call for the nuclear power plants worldwide. If we do need nuclear energy, then we still have to find technologies, which bring about immediate stop to a fission or fusion reaction and rapid cooling against fractional cooling of reactors.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Japan Earth Quake.

Since afternoon, I have been watching the exploits of the earthquake in Japan. First my sympathies with people of the affected area who are currently suffering the damage caused and the loss of loved ones in this terrible natural disaster.

It is still worth appreciating that with a magnitude of 8.9, the country still has seen little damage and loss of life. This could have literally flattened any other country. But this is Japan. A nation need to be saluted for its technological excellence and foresight.

I wrote about all these dangers in my predictions for the year 2011. Jan 13, 2011.

It is now New Zealand first and Japan second, who have suffered these disasters.

My prediction on the Middle East war perhaps has shown up more as " Revolution" .

The Oil prices have also gone up and commodity prices are all going up.

So far almost all my predictions have come out right. I am still quite anxious about more which will be coming our way and for ethical reasons cannot give the specific countries getting affected by it.

This reinforces me , more then ever before the Fortune Teller with that extra power of accuracy. Don't forget to visit my site :

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Wiki ' Assange " Rape Story.

Judge to Lady :"So when did you realise you were raped?"

Lady , wiping away tears: "When the cheque bounced."

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Dream's Interpetations

Do you know what does your dream mean? Do you know if your dream gave you a hint of a better or not so better tomorrow? Are you curious to know what did you see in your dream? If yes, find your dream below.


Dreaming of acorns predicts pleasant things & that much gain is to be expected.

For a woman to dream of eating acorns denotes that she will rise to a position of ease & pleasure.

To dream of shaking acorns from a tree means that you will rapidly attain your wishes in business or love.


In a dream the sight of a busy airport represents the desire for freedom and/or travel.

If the airport is empty and deserted your own travel plans will be changed or delayed.


If you see almonds in your dream you'll have a temporary sorrow.

If you ate and enjoyed them, you'll be lucky, but if they tasted bitter, you should delay any contemplated changes for as long as possible.


A favorable dream forecasting success, protection, happiness, and rewarding friendships.


To see a baby in your dream signifies innocence, warmth and new beginnings. A love affair may be blooming for you in your near future. You will also make new and fun friends.

If a woman dreams she is nursing a baby, she will be deceived by the one she trusts the most

Seeing balloons in your dream indicates a dashing of hope on any and all fronts, business or love, as well as a general falling off of all kinds of businesses you may be involved in.

If you are ascending in a balloon this is an omen of especially frustrating conditions in your life.


To dream of killing a bear foretells liberation from entanglements.


To dream of a clean, white bed denotes the end of worries.

If a woman dreams of making a bed, there will soon be a new lover in her life.


To dream of riding a bicycle uphill signifies bright prospects.

To dream of riding downhill calls for care - misfortune is near.


Flying birds are a sign of prosperity to the dreamer.


If you dream of death it's a sign of a birth, if you dream of birth, it's a sign of death.


To see a butterfly among flowers indicates prosperity.

To see butterflies flying around denotes news from absent friends by letter or from someone who has seen them.


To see candles burning with a clear and steady flame denotes the constancy of those around you and a well-grounded fortune.


Dreaming of a cat is a generally unfortunate omen and it shows treachery as well as a run of bad luck.

Cats attacking you represent enemies; if you succeed banishing them you will overcome great obstacles and rise in fortune and fame.


Seeing a crow in your dream means disappointment in everything, grief and misfortune.


To dream of a crown predicts a change in your life. The dreamer will travel a long distance from home & form new relationships.


If you dream of death it's a sign of a birth, if you dream of birth, it's a sign of death.


To dream that you are dancing means that some unexpected good fortune will come to you.


If you should dream of a deceased person and this person speaks only to you, pay close attention to what the spirit is telling you as it could be very important to you.

To dream of seeing a deceased person is normally a dream of warning, and it tells you that the influences around you at this time do not bode well for your affairs, and you should not enter into any binding contracts or verbal agreements.


To dream of owning diamonds is a very promising dream signifying great honor and recognition from high places.


To dream about a dog indicates great gain and constant friends.

To hear the barking of dogs foretells news of depressing nature. Difficulties are more likely to follow.


If you dream that a dragonfly lands on your body then you will have excellent news from someone far away from home.

If you see a dead dragonfly, then the news will be bad.

A dragonfly perched gracefully on some other object shows that you will soon be having guests that may be hard to get rid of.


If you dream that you are driving a vehicle it is a sign that you should be careful to take no chances with your money, such as gambling, in the next two weeks or so.

If someone else is doing the driving you will find yourself in luck, money wise.


To dream of a smiling face signifies pleasant new friends, experiences, and/or financial gains.

To dream of unpleasant or grotesque (unless amusingly so) faces portend loss.

To dream you are washing your face denotes a necessity to atone for some past indiscretion; better make amends!

To see the faces of strangers signifies an approaching change of residence.


To dream of falling indicates a loss of emotional equilibrium or self-control. It may represent your insecurity, a lack of self-confidence, a fear of failure or an inability to cope with a situation.

If you fall a long distance in your dream and get hurt, be prepared for really hard times ahead; but if you fall and are not injured your upsets will be minor and temporary.


To dream that you are confronted or threatened by a gang signifies circumstances or situations in your waking life which are overwhelming and you feel have ganged up on you.


To see a vegetable garden in your dream symbolizes increased prosperity will come your way through diligence and care. It also suggests of stability and inner growth.

To see a flower garden in your dream foretells of tranquility, comfort, true love and happy home in your future.

To see a sparse, weed-infested garden denotes that you have neglected your spiritual needs.


To dream of gloves means that you will have a lawsuit or business troubles, but you will settle them in a manner that satisfies you.

To find a pair of gloves denotes a marriage or new love affair.


Dreaming about hair means that you are careless in your personal affairs and will lose advancement by neglecting mental application.


For a woman to dream of going to a hairdresser shows she will soon be entangled in some family scandal concerning the morals of a member of her family. Should she have her hair dyed, she will narrowly escape imprisonment.

For a man to dream of a hairdresser will presage much gossip or a need to dominate a beautiful woman.


If you dream of eating ham then you will lose something that means a lot to you.


To dream of eating honey foretells that you will attain wealth and love.


Sitting on ice in your dreams is a dream of the contrary.


Eating, making, selling or serving ice cream suggests that you are feeling contentment and satisfaction in your life.


To dream that your lover is in jail signifies that this lover is deceitful and untrustworthy.

To dream that you are in jail signifies your feelings of confinement and suffocation.


If you dream of eating jam you will suffer embarrassment at the hands of a woman through no fault of your own.


Seeing a kangaroo in your dreams foretells unexpected and exciting trips.


To dream of keys denotes unexpected change. If the keys are lost, unpleasant adventures will affect you. To find keys means domestic peace and success in business.


If you dreamed of killing someone, whether intentionally or by accident, it signifies a period of severe emotional stress during which you must make a heroic effort to control your temper.


To dream of receiving a letter from a friend foretells their arrival or that you will hear from them soon.


A light shining out of the dark, or a flashlight beam, shows that you will finally find the truth in a situation or the answer to a personal problem that you have been
searching for. If the light is dim, you will only find part of the solution.


Any form of magic in a dream predicts unexpected changes.

To dream of being mystified and/or amused by a magician indicates a reunion with a long-lost friend or the rekindling of a past love affair.


Dreaming of a marriage, or a wedding, is the sign of a death in the family. If the marriage was between strangers, then the death pertains to a not too close acquaintance or friend.


Dreaming of mice foretells domestic troubles or that business affairs will assume a discouraging tone.

If you dream of a mouse jumping on you or getting in your clothing, then you will be involved in a scandal with a friend.


To dream of a monkey denotes that you have deceitful friends who will flatter you to advance their own interests.


A dream featuring the neck is a sign of approaching money, unless the dream concerned a broken neck, in which case it is a warning against mismanagement of your affairs.


If you dream of losing a necklace you will soon be suffering bereavement of a loved one.

If you dream your loved one places a necklace around your neck or that you are wearing one, it shows an early marriage and a happy domestic life.


To find a needle predicts that you will have friends who appreciate you.

To look for a needle foretells useless worries.


To dream of an old, spreading oak means long life and prosperity. If it is filled with acorns you are due a promotion or some type of increase in your life.

If a newlywed sees many oak trees in a forest it foretells a long marriage and many children.


If you dream you are standing on shore and watching the waves foam up as they break over the beach foretells that you will have some narrow escape from an accidental injury.

If you are far out on the ocean and hear the waves as they lap against the hull of the ship, you will have setbacks in your business and a troubled domestic scene.

To sail on a calm ocean is always a good omen for all concerned.


To dream of an owl denotes a narrow escape from desperate illness or death.


To dream of a raccoon warns you to be on your guard.. To see a raccoon in your dream shows that people are presenting false faces to you in your everyday life.

To be chased by a raccoon shows that a person you thought a friend has turned on you and now works behind your back for your downfall.


Take this dream as a warning. Take precautions, protect yourself emotionally and physically and don't engage in careless behaviors.


If a woman dreams of receiving a rose and places it in her hair then will she be deceived by someone thought of as a good friend.

If she receives a bouquet of roses in the Springtime she will find true love but if it is winter her search will be fruitless.

To see a rose bush in full foliage denotes a wedding in the family.


Dream of running: a sign of a big change in your life.


To see a lone snake and feel threatened by it shows that you have a bad enemy that is working against you, it also a warning against bodily harm from an enemy.

To dream of many snakes in a pit is the foreboding of much bad luck in love or business.

Should you overcome and kill a threatening snake in your dream shows that you will overcome your adversary and win out.


All spiders except tarantulas are omens of good luck. The larger the spider, the bigger the rewards.

If you see a spider climbing the wall you will have your dearest wish come true.

If you see a spider spinning a web you will have an increase in your income due to hard work.


If you dream you are a tattoo artist and you are tattooing someone's body you will soon break with friends or family over strange practices.

If you dream you are the one being tattooed you will become the target for a strangers jealousy but if you see someone else with tattoos then you will take a long, hard journey from home.


To dream that you are thirsty for tea means that you will be surprised with uninvited guests.


If you dream of having false teeth this indicates that you will have unexpected help on a problem.

To dream of rotten teeth shows that you have been telling someone a lie or using your smooth words for getting your own way.

If your teeth are rotten, crooked, and/or falling out this means that your lies are hurting someone very badly and that you will soon be found out.

If you dream you have swallowed a tooth you will soon have too 'eat your words'


Carrying a closed umbrella in the rain is highly unfortunate for the dreamer and his business plans.

To dream of carrying an open umbrella in the rain is a very fortunate sign that speaks of good luck in most endeavors.

A leaky umbrella denotes quarrels with loved ones.


Dreaming of clear water is a sign of great good luck and prosperity, a dream of muddy water foretells sadness or sorry for the dreamer through hearing of an illness or death of someone he/she knows well.

Dirty water warns of unscrupulous people who would bring you to ruin.


To dream of yarn shows you will soon become the wife of a wealthy man.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Hypertension/ Beware Of White Coat, Black Coat and Petty Coat.

If any modern science which can be called failed then it is the Medical Science.

I always tell my doctor friends, that we engineers are any day far more better thinkers and more intelligent then you doctors. It takes 5 years for a doctor to graduate out as a basic doctor and then 2 years for specialization, one year as internship and after that he gets commissioned for practising. However, as the education system is designed across the world, the doctors write exams once in 2 years for their Graduate Degree and herein the current state of modern life , where one does not remember in the evening, what he ate in the morning, where there is a chance for a person to recall, what he studied 2 years back. As a result, the doctors who graduate out are the ones routinely taught one disease to another and by the time, the graduating Doctor knows that he is now a professional, wherein 90% of the the global diseases, he can never cure during his life time and most of his patients will consider him as " Life Extension professional " then " Life Quality Professional"

He further soon realizes that the Medicines which is dispensing are the monopoly of some 20 to 30 global Drugs Manufacturing companies sitting on all the patents and the Health Management is rather a monopoly of these Drugs companies . The Doctor technically has very little to offer to his patients, other then repeating the same words umpteen times, low salt, low sugar, less oil, exercise and less stressful job. Though he himself will be totally out of weight, but will give a lecture for one hour on weight control.

Further, the real test of a Doctor comes, when he actually starts diagnosing you. The situation is that because of the Online Knowledge available, the patients are far more informed about their conditions, they have their own forums discussing the medications administered to them, the medications that have worked for them and what has not worked for them. They are also on the global alert on any new development which takes place in the remotest part of the world on their medical condition and have become a challenge to the Doctor, who is never aligned with the latest technologies and developments.

Though the standard practise is that the doctor will first send you for some ten test and when the report comes, it shows one element out of range and most others as passed. Interestingly, he then declares you as victim of a certain disease and sometimes, it will be life time chronic event.

This is where the real expertise of a Doctor evaluated. Any one can read a test report, log to the net and see what the results mean and find the answer and be happy with the doctors prescription. But the reading of a report and analyzing a report and then connecting the numbers and make a meaningful correlation is with very few and experienced doctors. lately a friend of mine went to Singapore for his medical test and his all reports came out ok, but his s.creatanine was around 4. Which is alarming. The doctor put him on CT scan, other test and yet could not find any reason as to why the creataine was 4 and GFR was 15. He declared him suffering with Gomerulo nephritis. The guy not knowing , what is it came back and checked on the web and found that he was on the way to kidney failure.

Luckily the other Doctor in Singapore, then went in ahead with his biopsy and it was found that he had malignant hypertension acute renal failure and he would recover his kidney function over time , partially atleast, if not fully.

Now, this was such a simple common sense thing , that if all the other numbers on the patients test are showing normal level, then for sure kidney cannot have a failure stage. Because it will disturb the blood elements, Na, K, Cl, it will raise the uric acid, it will have drop in Hemoglobin etc etc. Ironically the guy also had his health checked 9 months back and had found that his kidney was normal and had shown the report to this specialist. Atleast this itself should have rung bell in his head , that very unlikely that within 9 months, the kidney function will drop so much without any influence on any other blood indicator.

This is the level of expertize of a specialist Doctor and I am discussing a Doctor with more then 25 years experience. But then there was this other doctor, who corrected the mistake and bought things into order.

There is other case of a friend of mine, who was examined by a doctor for Heart Problem and he was advised, if he did not undergo By Pass surgery, he would suffer an attack anytime. He still went in to take second and finally a third advise. The Third Doctor said, he was perfectly fine and may be his reports had shown some unusual peak. Now is already more then 10 years and there is no by pass.

Another friend of mine suffered from Hypertension since early age of 30 and at around 45 , he was diagnosed with Alzheimer . Well, now let us study hypertension. The medical science since the last 2000 years has not been able to find the reason for hypertension. There are so many ,whose hypertension never gets controlled and so many who move to kidney failure, stroke, heart problem and Alzheimer .

The irony is that none of the practising doctor during the coarse of his life ever invents a medicine. It is only the pharmaceutical companies, which research and then offload the new medicines. Why would ever a pharmacy company design a medicine for a chronic disease like, Hypertension, Diabetes, Alzheimer, Parkinson and 100s more, ,wherein a patient has to have a medicine for his full life . These are commercial organizations working for profit. If all these diseases get treated with simple medications, then where is the need of life time supporting drugs and where is the profit to the shareholders.

This is where is the Big Difference between Engineers and Doctors: An Engineer will see things wrong around him, he will do everything to ensure that it is corrected, even if it means redesigning the whole system, product or machine. In Case of a Doctor, if he sees a person with suboptimal chronic condition, he only tries for his life extension. He cannot put all his study into practise and think, that at the end the human body is only cells and there is a special program in each cell which then implements the desired function. If only they could break this code and get the sick cells to either get reactivated or new programmed cells given to the person. The whole Chronic Disease thing would have been wiped out in the 19th century itself.

It is only now in the last two decades , that too animal doctors were first to find that persons own cells or embryonic cells or umbilical cord cells could be programmed to function like any other organ cell in the body. Unfortunately on account of twice veto by Pres Bush in US, these stem cells have got delayed for their executions. But finally it is Bio Engineering, Microbiology , Tissue Engineering and Gene Therapy which is taking over from conventional medical science and thankfully the old pharmacy companies will now not be able to enjoy profits from the chronic part of the human disease.

Only yesterday, I was reading about Dr Atala printing a new Kidney and Alzheimer being cured with stem cells and Diabetes II cure with embryonic stem cells being clinically tested in Singapore.

The next 10 years will be a revolution in medical science, but the winners will be not the Doctors, but the Bio Chemist, Micro Biologist, stem cells specialist, Regenerative Medicines specialist , Tissue Engineers etc etc.

I must though say, that the Surgery part of the Medical science has reached a stage of excellence. With a small key hole, the doctors do magnificent job.

Meantime, be careful of Three Dress Code : White Coat/ Black Coat / Petty Coat.

All three are major reason for Hypertension.

Fatloss 2/ SOSS- Visit a Bakery First ?

In my last post on Fat loss, I wrote about evaluating your " Rate of Metabolism " and since then I have been researching further.

If you are one of those like me, whose fat is recalcitrant and refuses to go away despite exercising and starving, then these are some other tips, which have helped.

It is called the SAVE OUR SOUL SOULS.

Last week, I was out again in the supremal and stopped by my favorite bakery, which has an open kitchen. I was very curiously watching the process, wherein the baker in a mould put in the flour, yeast , cheese , some oil and Sodium Bicarbonate. Then from the oven after a while came out the nice hot bread ready to be sliced for me.

This sent buzzzzz sound to my head. Little flour and with addition of sodium bicarbonate in an oven sents the bread blowing up. And I thought, what happens when sodium bicarbonate is in my tummy. This is where the alarm bell rang. The salt that I have goes and joins with bicarbonate molecules in my tummy and becomes sodium bicarbonate and the tummy temperature acts like an over and then blows the cells to out of proportion. This is what gives me the bloat up look. The incoming oil then finds its place in these cells and Fat is Formed permanently. Well, if you are one like me, where volume is more of an issue, then weight. Then the " Bread Effect " is hitting us alike. Have a good look at your tummy and see, how the middle portion pops out shamelessly like the bread loaf.

What is Fat anyway ? It is the molecular chain with very large molecular weight and breaks only at high temperature. Such as oil, butter, ghee , etc etc. All these fats decompose only at very high temperatures. Therefore the exercise is required to produce the required heat to melt down the fat . More known as calories of work out required.

But sometimes, exercises are not enough to generate the desired heat. Then the only way is to cut down on your food. A plastic surgeon friend of mine , once told me , just follow the monks, they eat once a day or some of them eat once in a week. It is just about control of mind. And his words have quite a lot appealed me.

I jokingly tell my friends that my stock of fat on my tummy makes me a fuel efficient car, because I can still live without food for many days, but they cannot. Only that I have to get my mind to work out a system that food is not for daily consumption and as it is the stock on my tummy will take care of any needs. The question is , how to handle hunger pangs? So , let us understand, what makes a person hungry?

First is the fall in glucose levels in the blood. As the glucose falls, the person feels hungry and shaky. Well, I have not tried, but may be taking glucose would solve the problem.
The other reasons are the Tummy size, where it wants to get to the original position, if you have made it shrink with forced dieting. The answer is to drink a lot of water.
Most other times the food consumption is emotional and impulsive. Where Craving takes the better of reasoning. This needs mind control.

Last time I managed to reduce 10 kgs and I came to 77 kgs against the target of 75 kgs. But then I went to India and could not help freaking out on all the delicacies . This got my weight back to 83 kgs and now I am going through my next phase to get back to 77 atleast.

I have been into Fitness for the last 7 years. A friend of mine took to Yoga and I took to Fitness. He was a great Bhakt ( devotee ) of Ramdev and religiously practised two hours of yoga every day. last month he had to take the Bypass surgery. So, all yoga enthusiast, it still makes sense to be into fitness besides doing Yoga.

Salt, Sugar, Oil and Starch are the killers or Save Our Soul Souls. Look at the animal kingdom. None falls sick and none is fat. Because none is a salt, sugar , oil or starch eater. The veggies eat more then non veggies in the animal kingdom. The veggies graze the full day and non veggies is content with his one kill in a day. So, veggies have to learn from non veggies that eating once in day is enough to keep in shape.

Then there are some food, which really help to shed weight.

Interestingly " Radish " eaten in its raw form acts as a very strong weight reducer for some strange reason. Try it out on yourself. Guaranteed , it reduces weight.

Green Chillies : Again a very powerful weight reducer , as it creates the high temperature within the body to melt some of the fat. But these have to be real hot chillies.

Green Tea : Acts more like a laxative, but does reduce weight to some extent.

Seaweed : Another powerful food , which systematically reduces weight.

Chilled Water : The Chilled water draws the heat from the body to come to normal temperature and thereby raising the cell temperatures to melt. Interestingly, most people advocate drinking warm water, but I would strongly contest that it is chilled water technically which helps. Best is to try it yourself and see the results. However, do remember , never to drink water along with food or after food. It dilutes the acids which the food gets from the body and reduces the metabolism. Drink water only after half an hour of eating food. In short , no drinks with food.

Another thing about water is that it has to be also taken in sense and proportion. Everyone talks about 2 to 3 litres of water per day. Human body is made out of 70% water and water is generally washing out the toxins in the body and compensating the losses of water. However, the excess water is sitting on the blown up cells and acting like a Wet Blanket. Therefore, it is essentially the level of water that your body can process. The Wet Blanket will ofcourse dry out, but till that time, the person feels more heavier and lazy. That is the reason as soon as you finish eating your food and have a glass or two of water, the first impact is sleepiness.

The only invention, that I have been thinking is the use of RF energy to melt the fat. Though RF generators are now being used for fat melting , but there is no systematic study done that at what temperates the fat cells will melt and how much RF energy is required. RF energy , if researched systematically on fat cells would be the most effective form of fat reduction. Because it would sent into the body the required heat energy without causing any harm and at a certain temperate,all the fat cells will melt off.

Keep reading, more exciting news on Fat Loss soon.

International Criminal Court.

This week in International politics was fully en ganged with Libya again. First time ever , I heard a good speech from " Hillary Clinton" in Geneva. I have always been a fan of " Bill" and never forget the speech he gave in Ireland. However, for Hillary, this was a memorable speech. And ofcourse, I only hope that US stands behind her speech and brings the dreams of the young generation in most of these corrupt third world nations to a fulfilling task. US now has a job well cut out to boot out all corrupt governments , anywhere in the world. Because in the long run these are the very governments, which then become a policy disaster for US own strategic interest.

UN Secretary General again did not move any further . He should have called for the Security council resolution to activate NATO and asked Gaddaffi to step down immediately . But to get leaders as secretary general is asking too much. Libya now stands in stalemate, where the East in hands of rebels and West in hands of Gaddaffi.

Whatever said, Gaddaffi, actually redeemed himself on the global TV presentation , wherein he invited the UN to investigate the crimes being committed by his forces or the rebels. Again UN did not immediately react and sent thousands of his investigators on fact finding mission.

The best statement came out was from ICC, where the Prosecutor General warned the Libyan power holders to be prepared for getting investigated for possible war crimes and human right abuses , if they would act against its own people.

Though ICC last warrant against Sudan president " Bashir " has had zero impact and he openly traveled to Chad and then to Qatar, where he attended the Arab summit and was well hosted. Did UN had the guts to then expel Qatar out of its membership? Or did UN de recognize the Arab Summit as an organization against Human Rights. None ofcourse. Because UN is a hypocritical weak organization.

Qatar , later won the rights to host Football World Cup. Because Human Rights don't matter to FIFA, money matters.

Atleast one thing is good that ICC is becoming proactive and it should sent jitters down many a politicians and police generals and army generals, who abuse their power regularly for corruption, human rights violation, religious rioting , fake encounters , etc etc

ICC needs to set up a courts in each continent and have a monitoring body armed in each country, which on monthly basis reports openly on the Internet on the conduct of the governments. Atleast this would then be a neutral third party audit on governance. And if there is any misgoverning, then immediate warrants are issued. Thereafter no bureaucrat or politician will have the guts to do any wrong.

UN needs to be revamped. Now, then ever before.