Blogging Birds

Blogging Birds

Friday, August 14, 2015

Anti Greed Vaccinations !

Only a few weeks back, I wrote about ISIS Anti virus and wrote about science to scan the profile of people for their virtues and values.

Now, there is an article in Harvard Business Review ( )

"How Hormones Foretell Whether People Will Cheat"

This is what I have been saying, whether it is extra testosterone or extra chromosomes or there would be other markers, which can clearly indicate the abnormality or skewed thinking of a person. It is about time, we start taking these subject seriously and treating such people with neutralizers.

The people who do wrong sometimes themselves do not understand, why they do wrong and why their behavior is anti social. They need medical attention. Unfortunately we are still not ready to address such issues till people go and create a big black hole for all of us.

Nevertheless, if you come across any such people, best is to avoid them at the first place or direct them to medical assistance .

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Obama Corruption Speech And The Corrupted World

Each right minded person tries to avoid corruption, yet the malice is seen across the world. No matter it is an organization as rich as FIFA or as poor as the local cop or it is doping in the athletic world or match fixing or tax fixing.

Corruption within the Governance is part and parcel of the system since time immemorial.  As long as there will be greed within human beings, corruption will remain endemic.

But after too much of thinking, I realized that it was basically the system itself, which was responsible for the corruption and human beings were the exploiters. The more the system became transparent and mechanized, the less was there an opportunity of corruption.

Who designs the systems. The Law makers. Who puts the lawmakers in place. We the public. Unless, we stand up united and control the system to be open, clean and transparent, the exploiters will use each of the opportunity to gain. Use of Online systems has massively reduced corruption.

All Governance and systems have to be on Auto Correction mode.  Rights of Individuals at each stage have to be clearly defined at each point of control. If Governance is about checks and balances, then checks are very well defined, but the balance is always left to the individuals struggle for survival.  This is not called governance, but practically autocracy.

An Auto Correction Mode has to be part of one and every system, where individuals mistakes are stopped and possible correction options are offered instantly. The world is certainly divided between good , bad and  evil. One does need filters at each point, but the way the filtration works is to use the system to intimidate the good and extort benefits . The bad and evil already know their way out and are habitual offenders. They manipulate  and milk the system to the core . It is only the decent , who have to pay a price.

Corruption comes, when one is obstructed for any reason. Whether for want of a document or for speeding up a process or getting a biz license or even  getting his payment or similar acts.  Than there is corruption in getting contracts, favors, out of way benefits etc etc.

For the documents, this is the favorite of all the Governments. Where massive corruption takes place. This is where the auto correction system has to work. If the applicable document is not there with an individual or an organization, the work can still never be stopped. The work is an output , which is adding to the economic value of the country and to the individual.  Hence the assigning authority will still issue the document instantly with some penalties and give effective time to complete the process.  As long as the matter is not a security risk or a massive social risk problem, the issues related to any document are only clerical to any government. Close the obstruction and corruption vanishes. Create the obstruction and corruption flourishes.

One of the biggest hassles for any biz in any country is the clarity of laws. Unless and until well defined templates are offered to the industry, the ambiguities of laws will always lead to corrupt practices.  The economic order is changing, more and more people want to be entrepreneurs and the Govt has to stand up and support it.

In matters of controls, the government has to have a dual function . First support the individual or organization in reaching a critical mass. Only after that the controls can be managed. Eg Tax system for a micro or small company. This should be zero for the first 3 years and small percentage after that.  This allows the individual to reach a critical mass as against, fighting the tax system from the first day, when he or she starts his company.  Further, till it reaches a critical mass, each arm of the government will stand up and support the organization or individual to realize its potential. At this time, each arm of the government is there to obstruct the organization , no sooner it is incubated.

In matters of Human Rights it is still a long way to go . The first auto correction is compulsory video recording of any inspection by government officer or police questioning. Any attempts of intimidation and threats and unbalanced code of conduct should lead to instant suspension of such a authority. The abuse of power for extortion is a general practice and if one complaints about it to the superior, generally the superior acts as a part of the same gang. However, if the complaint redressal was with independent judicial authorities, the system works on auto correction mode.

I vividly recall, how an Indian lady diplomat was taken in custody in US and strip searched , because she was paying lower than the minimum wages to her domestic servant, whom she brought from India under some visa rules. Now, this is a clear case of Human rights violation both by the diplomat and also the Police.  An auto correction mode would have simply asked the lady to come and discuss the subject with the authorities and allowed her the correct the situation. It did not warrant such high handedness.  As for diplomat paying lower wages , the employee can well quit on his own or request for fairness and only if the request is turned down, he can then move to redress it with the authorities.
But the ways, the law enforcement works is not on auto correction. Further at each stage, the authorities need to advise the person of his legal rights. If the legal rights are not advised clearly , the handling officer should be removed from his job. Mind, we are a democratic world. It is us, who pays for the salaries and budgets of the governments, not the other way round.

In short, at each and every system of the government, there should be clear open and transparent handling . And in case, there is still an issue, one has with the governance, the rights of individuals have to be well advised on the website. The complaints of abuse of power and corruption should be not to the same department , but to a department, which is handled directly by judiciary or public at large.

Above all the systems should be accelerating and not obstructing any process. Any obstruction by any officer should lead to penalties . This will be auto correction of highest order. After that we will see, everything working in proper order and fast pace.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

ISIS Anti Virus !

ISIS propaganda is show of brutality to large audience, but is also a recruitment of young men and women.

Today, the biggest fear in any Moslem family is that, there child is not getting radicalized. It is like the drug addiction.

Like my sister tells me that Teen age is where the mind is getting rewired. All the circuits in the mind are getting new connections and the environment plays a key role in this rewiring.
This transition from childhood to teenage is the most sensitive time in the life of a person. 
ISIS has cleverly exploited this situation. 

No one missed the BBC documentary on Jihadi Brides and in all cases, it is these girls ran away from the family to join ISIS. Same for men . But interestingly, it is the first time, where one sees, the fighters joining ISIS are not from countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan or Indonesia, but from the Europe, US and Australia. 

In political terms, it was failure of the world to have stopped Syrian war in the early stages, but now, it is more complex  then just the Syria war or the Iraq losing its cities.  It is now the ISIS Virus, which is hitting the young generation.

Radicalization, Agression, Greed, Corruption, Hatred, Insenstivity etc etc are all viruses, which set in at early age. But the guardians, parents, teachers , friends do not identify these as potential threat to the society till something goes wrong.

Till we recognize these as potential harmful viruses at very early age and invest into their antidotes, this evil will keep coming back into the society.

These are all mental diseases and somehow in medical sciences, social mental diseases are not considered physical harmful to self and hence medical science does not address it. But a closer look at the blood profiling of a person can show the markers of extra chromosome,  are markers of criminals. Same way, one has to identify other markers within the blood profiling on Radicalism, Greed, Aggression, Corruption etc.
 I am a palmist and it only takes me a few minutes to identify a criminal or radical or cheat etc. But these abstract sciences are still not considered valid for personality profiling of a person. However, time has come to look at people in the Good, Bad and Evil equation and keep them sorted. Society has to push the Bad and Evil to Good or be marginalized.

One of the best marker is the scent of a person. However, dogs are the only species , which have this inherent quality of smelling and identifying the virtues. If dogs were trained to smell a radical person and then check on others, it was as easy as that. Same way for other virtues.

It must be made compulsory during college time to profile the transition of the child for all the mental viruses attacking him. These have to be dealt further with professional care. 

Social media has come to stay and no one will be able to stop the propaganda effect from it. The only solution is to neutralize the evil at early age. Viruses  within each religion are another feed for the young souls and the world  should take steps to take very strict action against such preachers.

Science has to take a social roll in cleaning up the mental viruses. Wealth creation has already been successful with Science. But it is a pity that even in the 21st century, we have wars, and killings and brutality, despite so much education and development.

Human being are the only species, which kills its own species. No other species within the animal kingdom kills its own. What a pity that we are even lower than animals , despite such a developed mind and body.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

ISIS And All That !

In one of my earlier post , I wrote about the victory of Assad forces and the world should reconcile with him. However, the global political equation is far too complex to maneuver so quickly. Now, it has become a clear divide in Middle East between the Sunnis and Shias.

Look at the irony of the situation. IS takes over Iraq and shows extreme brutality openly and yet Saudi does not lift its little finger. But Yemen president is displaced and the country starts getting bombed  by the Saudis. If only Saudis would have shown the leadership with IS in Iraq, it could have taken a leading position. But, it allowed Iran to get away with Iraq and now with Yemen. Practically, Iran has now become a dominant force in the Middle East to fight the terrorism.

Till date Syrian forces are fighting for their country, but Iraqi forces quit one city after another and leave heavy armory in the hands of ISIS. This is the class of army trained by US. The air strikes alone can never achieve the ground victory. It has to be taken by an army only. But whose army ? It is time again to reconcile with Syrian army , atleast they have shown chivalry to fight till the end. This is the only army, which can remove ISIS from Syria.

The reasoning of Assad killing his own people is no more sustainable. Libya, Iraq, Egypt, Tunisia are glaring examples, where local revolutions did not culminate into matured democracies. Assad, if could have been displaced in early stages was still another story, but after so many years, he has legitimized his position.

Iran after the nuclear deal will certainly become a strong nation. And that is good for US as it becomes the guardian of some of US interest. Oil prices would become still better and the Shia , Sunni balance will be established.

ISIS is product of radicalism and Iraq political fall out. But I dont buy this story that Sunni victimization by Shias in these areas created ISIS. 

In one of my post during the Iraq disturbance , I had written that Bush should come on TV and announce, if the Iraqs dont stop killing one another, then US will divide the country into 4 parts, Shia, Sunni, Kurds and American State. I wish Bush, had read my blog and implemented the same. No ISIS today and we would have seen two new countries with one American state in Middle East. And ofcourse, the American state would be the one with the most oil. Even, now, if US chooses to enter the way, then this should be the condition that it will divide Iraq into 4 parts. Well, if Russians can take Crimea,, then US can take away part of Iraq. 

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Al Qaida to IS , arming rebels or creating Terrorist ?

 The classic study of all the conflicts show that eventually, wherever rebels were armed to fight an organized army , resulted into unmanageable Terrorist organizations. It starts from the Afghan war, where the Mujhaideens were armed by CIA to fight Russians and eventually the Russians lost, but not before many armed groups taking over Afghanistan and Taliban becoming the host to Al Qaida.

Much that the Russians themselves were looking for an exit from Afghanistan and were more then happy to transfer the power to a transition Government, but CIA wanted the humiliating defeat of the Russians. What followed was a catastrophe of unimaginable consequences. The many rebel groups laid their own claims to power and Taliban practically created a brutal state with Al Qaida being its nucleus.

The same rebels, who were armed by the Americans, now designed and executed the first global terrorist attack on 9/11. Rest is history.

Now let us look at IS, again the very same story. Rebels are armed to fight the Syrian army and it all goes messy and finally, what is the result is exactly the same situation as what happened in erstwhile Afghanistan. Here the situation was further compounded by the Iraqi army, who left all the arms in the hands of Sunni Militias. But technically the IS was a baby born out or Syrian conflict and less out of Iraqi conflict.

Study the case of LTTE, exactly the same story. Where rebel groups were armed to fight Sri lankan army and finally became a draconian terrorist group.

LeT in Pakistan, designed to fight the Indian army, finally becomes a catastrophe for Pakistan .

These rebels group in their own power struggle branch out and newer and newer groups get made and each marks its presence with heightened brutality to get recruits and funding.

Africa is a clear example, where for Decades, these kind of rebels have lived out fighting organized Governments.

The clear lesson to learn from this is that as long as we will have this policy of funding such rascals, who are willing to lay their lives for a cause, which looks nice at that time, the monster will only turn back and kill us at the first given opportunity.  It is about time, we stop doing this altogether.

The IS case has become far too complicated now.  If the world does not get into a proper war in finishing the IS , it will only have more and more Paris like attacks and Sydney and Peshawar. Time has come to have a UN Anti Terrorist war Force, who strikes with permission after UN security resolution and does not have to get into which country taking what lead.