Having written about single men and single women, I must also write something on " Relationships "
Interestingly, "Relationships" is perhaps the most complex part of human life. How to relate to others, problems, situations, job, nature, etc etc is a continued challenge. But here I will write only on Man Women relationships and perhaps someday on other relationships. As I have written earlier on "Optimum" the child development code, I would write someday the " Relationships "as another important vaccine to be given to a child in his formative years.
To understand relationships one has to first understand the basic nature of man in context of bonding with women and same for women. And also has to be studied as how nature in its splendour has other living species bonding male to female.
Men relate to women as mother,sister, friend, lover, acquintance and wife. Women in a similar reciprocal fashion. But each of this relationship is vivid and interesting.
As a mother, women actually tries to design a male child as per her dreams of an ideal man and slowly resigns to see him slipping away to have his own identity. Mothers , oedipus complex is much stronger then the mans oedipus complex. She does not easily tolerate the women or girl later connecting to her child as a wife. This tacit feeling is seen more subtly and often strongly as continued interference in the life of her son. This umblical cord with her son never disconnects, though with her female child, there are no such issues. Men are therefore seen as Mama`s boy.
The relationship with sister is more fair and balanced. Does not really interfere with man, till the sister is bossy.
Relationship of Man and Women as friend is most interesting and juicy. Men interest and women`s interest are so much poles apart that to find a common ground of meeting is a very remote chance. But then nature from the teen age gets the magnets active to the opposite sexes and inevitably male and female continously strive to find their completeness in the opposite sex.
Interestingly, it is this force of nature, which then needs the two to unite and propogate. what starts as courtship and moves to honeymoon and marriage, very seldom becomes the better half of one another.
Love relationship explodes into conflicts, this is inevitable. Friendship is tasted more sparingly, without the need of commotion and purgings.
However, friendship demands honesty, the only demand but difficult.
Relationships are little like a journey. How far it takes you is your destiny. I would say, relationship is an extremely important social science, which needs to be taught chapter by chapter from early childhood and not just left over to a person to capture it with time.
It is strange that only and only when one of the two fully submits himself/herself to the other person, the relationship goes well. I dont know, why is this master-slave relationship, which only works out.
A chinese friend of mine, once told me something very nice. Man`s relationship with women is of three types : One of Man and Wife, another of man and lover and the last is that of man and friend. When I look back, I see, he is not wrong.
The best relationships are still seen in Man and his daughter.