Morsi was ousted by the army as popular dissent grew against him. Whether coup or not coup is not the question. It is certainly a coup , but something which the world will not really take as a serious threat to the people of the country. As half the country is in favor of it and another half is against it.
Algeria, Turkey, Haiti have all gone through this route in the history.
As much as the Army has appointed a civilian government of technocrats and made a time table for the the new elections. It has found some credibility in the eyes of the world.
As for MB ( Muslim Brotherhood), they have to first get experience in running a country. Largely MB has been a resistance organization and for the last 80 years, its agenda was all about fighting the Government and promoting strict Islamist rules among-st its members. But when it comes to power, not everyone has the same ideology. MB therefore was not so much being an inclusive government, but more keen in consolidating its power centers to have a tight grip on the politics of the nation.
A liberal , secular . intellectual society does not easily accept Islamist agendas and very large portion of Egypt is liberal and for them , being chained by Islamist agenda is not favorable.
MB is still in its infancy and learning the rules of Governance and hence it should not really be upset for being thrown out first time from power. They have a large follower ship and can easily come to power again. It does not make sense for them to resist the coup. They should accept that , the governance probably did not meet peoples expectation in the first phase and they were booted out, but the next time, they have to be more pragmatic and inclusive.
Further blood shed by MB of its own people is not worth. Egypt is still a nascent democracy. It has a long way to go. On one of my earlier blogs, I had written on the need of a constitution, which is designed by global experts. But at the end, it was a constitution, which was more of an Islamist Agenda, then meeting the aspiration of its people. How far would have it gone.
I will not shed a tear on Egypt's coup. But I am firmly against army using fire power against MB .
Let the Egyptians start all over again. From a state of bankruptcy to now grants, loans and aid from other countries is another welcome sign. I am only waiting , when I can take a cruise again on the Nile.
Algeria, Turkey, Haiti have all gone through this route in the history.
As much as the Army has appointed a civilian government of technocrats and made a time table for the the new elections. It has found some credibility in the eyes of the world.
As for MB ( Muslim Brotherhood), they have to first get experience in running a country. Largely MB has been a resistance organization and for the last 80 years, its agenda was all about fighting the Government and promoting strict Islamist rules among-st its members. But when it comes to power, not everyone has the same ideology. MB therefore was not so much being an inclusive government, but more keen in consolidating its power centers to have a tight grip on the politics of the nation.
A liberal , secular . intellectual society does not easily accept Islamist agendas and very large portion of Egypt is liberal and for them , being chained by Islamist agenda is not favorable.
MB is still in its infancy and learning the rules of Governance and hence it should not really be upset for being thrown out first time from power. They have a large follower ship and can easily come to power again. It does not make sense for them to resist the coup. They should accept that , the governance probably did not meet peoples expectation in the first phase and they were booted out, but the next time, they have to be more pragmatic and inclusive.
Further blood shed by MB of its own people is not worth. Egypt is still a nascent democracy. It has a long way to go. On one of my earlier blogs, I had written on the need of a constitution, which is designed by global experts. But at the end, it was a constitution, which was more of an Islamist Agenda, then meeting the aspiration of its people. How far would have it gone.
I will not shed a tear on Egypt's coup. But I am firmly against army using fire power against MB .
Let the Egyptians start all over again. From a state of bankruptcy to now grants, loans and aid from other countries is another welcome sign. I am only waiting , when I can take a cruise again on the Nile.