Blogging Birds

Blogging Birds

Friday, April 18, 2014

Malaysian Plane : Now who is the mickey mouse here ?

Finally, they have come to the terms the plane is not in Southern Indian Ocean and they are going to regroup to look for blowing there next hundreds of million dollars with some other mathematical calculations.

It is better that they call it some "Marine Life Study in Indian Ocean" and by chance, if they get the plane, then compliment themselves with discovery of a foreign body.

Now, where is Inmarsat and where is once in life time calculations done on the Doppler effect on sound waves and hence the possible trajectory of the plane into the current searched position. Without the application of one bit of common sense, so fast the assets were deployed. Before the search even started, did anyone question the merit of the search in that place.  Why would a pilot fly 7 hours and then crash in middle of nowhere, when his intentions are to simply crash the plane. And if his intentions are to save the plane, anyway, he would send distress signals and try to land back at the nearest airport. Therefore by simple common sense, the plane went into some kind of limbo and should not be very far from the place it disappeared.

If one was to research further about the hijacking possibility. There was no group, no demands , no clue till date. Except that Malaysian Airlines should check from its records, how many of the pax were such , who had taken the same flight many times in the last one year. And what was his background. If the maneuver was deliberate, then someone would have already rehearsed the whole plan many a times and would have known the time it would cross the Malaysian air space. 

It is still not made public as to what emergency measures were taken , when the ATC of KL was made aware that the MH 370 has not reported to Vietnam ATC. What is the standing protocol for such a situation?

Nevertheless, how will Mr Najib and Mr Tony Abbot explain there statement, which they made to the people that the plane crashed in the Southern Indian Ocean and all lives were lost, without one shred of evidence in hand. What was wrong in saying simply that there is a possibility and we are trying to validate that before any confirmatory statement can be made. 

And look at the irony, 14 countries follow the same without using their commonsense. Because, it is simply tax payers money. No harm in spending, but atleast ask intelligent questions, before you blow off millions of dollars and so much time is lost.

Who is the mickey mouse here? Inmrasat or the Radar readings, which show the reversal of the plane or the Investigating agencies ?

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Ukraine Going Yugoslavia Way ?

Ukraine is becoming a very interesting case study. East Ukraine wants to go Crimea way. One openly sees huge armory and tanks and foot soldiers ready to take over against the Ukraine army. Now, whether it is with Russian support or without the support, but Ukraine is showing signs of being another Yugoslavia.

Ukraine PM should send truck loads of Vodka and truck loads of hard cash to the region and follow it with the last leaders and senators from that area to open a dialogue with  the separatist element. But, what it is actually doing is sending anti terrorist forces, Ukrainian army to fight the rebels etc. I reckon Syria should be fresh in mind of everyone. And in this case the Big Bully is sitting next door to make sure that the rebels win.If the leadership has any sense, they should immediately withdraw the threatening position against the rebels and offer them special status , atleast for the time being. Sending NATO or other forces is going to have a very negative impact. The peacekeeping forces from Africa should be taken and deployed and not from any other continent. It is about Trust Building at this time.

It is a pity that a country chooses to break up on basis of ethnicity and language. However, I am a little surprised that the Russian influence is still very strong in many of the ex USSR states. Capitalism has not shown the clear improvements in the lives of people and most feel that they will never be the same as the developed EU countries.

EU is partly to be blamed for it. Unless they heavily invest and atleast into the education system or Universities in these countries, the thought process of basic capitalism is not trickling down correctly. We have already seen in China, that the western education and western model of management was something, which automatically changed the whole landscape of the country. The nation is now one clear case of rags to riches in the last 3 decades. Same model has to be replicated in most of these countries. 

The advantage of most of these countries is the small population and 100% literacy level. Only that the opportunities and global skills are missing.

Hope semblance of order returns to Ukraine and Vodka flows freely.

Malaysian Plane : Weird Dream

As the world tries to reconcile with the loss of the Malaysian plane and then now you see a South Korean ship sinking with school kids. It seems , traveling is becoming more and more dangerous. My sympathies with those who lost their loved ones.

Last night, the dream will perhaps never get erased out of my memory box. Normally one gets too many dreams and one hardly remembers any of these. However, this one was related to the Missing Malaysian Plane.

I see in my dream , the air hostess of the plane coming to my window and telling me, I am from the missing Malaysian plane. I tell her, wait , I am coming to talk to you and she again tells me, I am, here, but walks back, but I can still see her clearly. Then I jump from my bed and run to the door out and run to the window, where she is ,but as soon as she sees me coming, she runs very fast and disappears. Huh! What a tragedy. I woke up and kept thinking about it for very long.

But this was the second dream in the last two weeks, the first one was when I got the dream that the plane was actually in a small pool of water and not in the big sea. However, I ignored that dream .

Perhaps, I have been writing too much about the missing plane and monitoring the developments, the thoughts moved further into my dreams.  But this dream will go very far with me.

Discovery put in a documentary on the missing plane today , but was very poorly made. The whole premises of search is based on one single Inmarsat calculation. And this is far too vague to calculate from sound wavelength, the possible movement of the plane. So far, it has all shown that there is not even one clue of the plane being in the searched location.

Unless, they have other data from spy satellites, which they are not disclosing, the possibility of the plane being there seems to be remote.

Meantime, I hope the air hostess does show up again in my dreams and gives me better insight.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Malaysian Plane :Eco Protest By Marine Life .

Finally the search team is wearing out and are giving up hopes of finding the plane in the search area. While Tony Abbot is still making super announcements of getting closer to finding the plane, the team in-charge is already sending Pings to the world that the plane cannot be there.

Earlier atleast they could announce each day that one or two pings were heard, now all that is gone. So they don't really know, where to start and where to finish. There is no clue at all.

With so many ships, so many submarines , planes and boats etc, the whole eco system has come under fire. It is about time that Greenpeace Australia starts protesting about the disturbance being caused by these war machines.

Let us keep watching, where it is going. Now they have come up with another announcement that the co-pilot tried calling up from the phone. This is after one month. Something, which the investigating agencies should have checked in the first few days itself. It does look, there are many things, which are being slowly released to the public.

Now, unless there is some very strong evidence that the plane actually flew at the spot being searched and that is not known to the public domain, the chance of finding the plane here is minimal. But if it is not found there,, there will be too much to be explained by too many people. One cannot simply rush to a spot , based on some inmarsart clues and some mathematical calculations.

If the plane was indeed there, some debris would have certainly come up by now. Some oil spills would have certainly shown up. And above all the fishes and the marine life will show a strange behavior. None of this is seen so far.

They have no choice, but to release some sharks or whales with GPS sensors into the sea and monitor their movements. That is the fastest and the simplest and the cheapest way of locating the plane.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Missing Plane : There is something more then the world knows

Pings are coming occasionally and then nothing is found as usual. Though, the time and frequency of the pings makes it questionable. As the pings will have regular intervals and the time of the ping will also be the same and not one time 5 mins and another time 7 mins.

Well, anyway, this is becoming a daily TV show. But I have now very strong doubts, that there has to be something more then what the worlds knows. Because otherwise, 14 countries will not put in their resources into this area. How come the Ausssie Radars did not capture the plane as it was in their vicinity.

The plane going to that part of the world to sink itself is only and only possible, if there is something more then what has been made known to the world.

If the plane is actually found there, though the chances are small. It would be certainly on account of some bigger mystery, which is known to some people and who indirectly made the world to search at the current spot. The plane vanishing between the air space of Malaysia and Vietnam, does cause a doubt . Unless the lithium batteries being freighted by the plane heated up in a short time and blew up, short circuiting the communication systems and later all the other systems.

Let us hope that the black box is actually recovered. I still think, finally the plane debris will be found by some fisherman in the South China Sea.

Let Malaysian Govt announce a reward and you will see the whole world searching the plane and finding it in no time. The cost of search currently is far too disproportionate. And where are all the Psychics ? Try them out for a change.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Malaysian Plane Search : Objects Seen Now Changes to Pings Detected. Have Fun.

Now the scene has changed to everyday announcements of Pings detected. And then it is found that it is the acoustics from the fishes there. They should rather change the name of the search as the " Research project for Fish Acoustic studies in deep sea waters". Atleast, this way, the people will not feel bad that there best experts are struggling with the location of the plane.

The simplest solution has been to simply announce that it will take forever to find the plane and may be your grandchildren will get to know the exact details.

I have downloaded an app to capture sound frequencies of 37.5 khz, same as that from the cockpit and I got two pings on my hand phone. I then went in search of the source at the backyard and atlast, it was the simple frog croaking for its search of mate. Huh! I though, as per news report, I will soon announce to the world of the plane found in my backyard.

The story that is doing Internet rounds is that the plane was remote controlled like a drone and moved by CIA to stop the Chinese from taking away a special US technology auctioned by the Talibans in Afghanistan after shooting their seals . And this was being transferred to China. But the super creator of the story forgets that , if China wanted to move something like this, it does not have to move the goods to Malaysia as the next door Pakistan was an easier and friendly route. Nevertheless, it has now become a good source of speculation and stories for everyone.

However, the fact that the search still continues in an area, which has very low probability of plane remains is causing a doubt.  The Ping locator should have detected the pings within 3 days maximum and now is already more then 5 days. There seems to be certainly something wrong.

It does look, they have failed and are trying to find an exit route to face save.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Missing Plane : Comedy of Errors.

Time is not so far, when I will compliment myself as the one , who strongly wrote about the mismanagement of the plane search .

The Chinese patrol vessel has captured the first ping of 37.5 khz. Same as what comes from the cockpit or Black box. This gives the first strong lead of the plane being in the South China Sea and not close to Perth.

I mean, look at the stupidity of the whole thing.

The Pilot has no bad records. The pax are all cleared for any kind of suspicion. There is absolutely no reason that the plane will take a sudden turn and then fly 7 hours into middle of nowhere and crash there. Does it make sense at all.

There are only two issues.

Either Pilot error or Plane Error.

PIlot deliberate error was minimal considering his background. The only other way was the Plane failure. And the Plane failure reason, we should now know soon as the pings from black box have already started arriving.

I am not surprised at all , the way things were being managed. I have seen this all my life. Having visited around 50 countries and more then 500 companies interacting with top managers, I have found clear lack of common sense and rationality. Who go in to squander millions and millions of dollars of shareholders wealth.

This will be one glaring example, how the Military, Political system, Investigating agencies, International experts, Inmarsat and so many more refused to follow common sense.

But the real culprit is Inmarsat, who misled the whole investigation and also the Radar interpretations of the turn of the plane. Atleast after the first and the second search at the Inmarsat spots was found wrong. The people should have immediately questioned the correctness of data. But they kept on moving their assets into the same area and more rigorous search was undertaken.

The Mr Ping locator in Aussie waters will already conclude its finding tomorrow. At it only takes 2 days to announce, if the black box is in that area. And if it is found negative, there will be lot of people, who will need to do the answering.

Let us see tomorrow, where it goes.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Malaysian Plane : Technology versus commonsense

I am a little surprised with the Aussie Journalist. None of them asked the difficult question to Aussie PM and Malaysian PM on the show at Perth that " How sure were they with the correctness of the Inmarsat data and Doppler calculations " Because none of the two have been put in public domain for peer review.

Now, they have announced a total of 500 Million would get spend in search of the plane. At the end, the bill may be send to Inmarsat, if the plane is found elsewhere.

There are too many other details, which are missing from the public domain viz

The Ping theory of Inmarsat, becomes questionable as the first ping is 1hr 30 mins after the flight took off. Where as it says, the pings are after each hour. All subsequent pings are exactly after each 60 mins. How come the first ping was 90 mins from the time of the rolls royce engine would have been energized. ? This clearly cast doubts that the pings belonged to another plane, which successfully landed and then the last ping was unscheduled. Showing that the engine was now being turned off.

The inspection report of maintenance before the flight was approved.

The Quality of the fuel used.

The Communication jammers, if any or bugs, which could have been planted.

The flight experience of the last 5 pilots on the same plane for the same or other destinations.

What was the last breakdown for which the plane was repaired ?

What is the standard procedure, if Vietnam ATC finds that the plane has not logged ? The Vietnam ATC asked another plane to reach out MH 370 and could only get murmurs. So, for sure ATC in Malaysia got alerted and what emergency measures were taken to redeem the situation ?

Where are the Oil slicks on the Ocean ? Why none of the satellites have been able to find one single spot of Oil slicks.

Well, now that the Black Box locator is there in the sea with its ping. Day is not far, when the debris should get located.

But this will go down as the one of the worst cases of mismanagement.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Missing Plane Search : Where are the Drones?

Today, I was watching the Australian TV and very proudly it announced that British Nuclear Submarine has arrived in search of the missing plane.

This is after hundred of sorties by planes from Aussies, Chinese, Japanese etc etc.
The ex Air Chief Marshal of Australia now the person in charge of search declares it would take far much longer then expected.

I am only wondering, does a plane search need a nuclear submarine or it is a disguise to move assets into the Indian Ocean and then quietly park it in Philippines to check the Chinese overtures.

And, by the way, where are all the drones? If such a huge ocean needs to be mapped, then , what you need is say, 10 to 20 drones, which traverse the quadrants and complete the scan in say a week for most of the ocean. Though technically, the satellite is already a good source to spot anything unusual. I wonder, what are these mega planes doing there?

Unless, there are things, which I am not aware, the possibility of the plane in that part of the Ocean is most doubtful.

Assuming for a minute, it is there, still the best option is to send a whale hunting for the plane. All, it needs a whale with monitoring sensors. It will find its way to the plane in the shortest possible time. Now that the Aussies have saved the whales from Japanese hunting with International ruling, the whales will be more listening to them. All it takes is around 10 to 15 whales and put the GPS sensors on it ( if wireless cameras not possible ) and these are set free in various areas of the ocean. By instinct, the whales move to areas of human remains or large objects or similar.  The GPS, then indicates the long stay at one position of the whale and gives a good marking of possible debris.

These planes and submarines job is now over. They have done , whatever they had to do. Though the first mistake comes from Inmarsat and the One of its Kind Doppler studies made by this super company in UK. Let nature do its own part.

The only possible way of the plane reaching somewhere close to Perth is if every one on the plane was dead and the plane was on auto pilot. Otherwise, there is no way, the plane would have flown to the searched area.

To my mind, the hunch says, the plane is somewhere close to Vietnam. On the way to China, that is the only place, where it could have moved after say the power failure switched off the communications and perhaps all the systems started failing one after another and pilot could not manage the recovery of the situation. Almost same as Air France case.