Blogging Birds

Saturday, May 30, 2009
Guantanamo Bay
The GB will close down, but I found it very hilarious, when every country openly criticized the GB. I want to ask each and every at least Third World country, if they don't have a GB embedded in their own Prisons.
Let Amnesty International present a report on how many inmates in each country are without trial and for how many years.
Will now after the action of President Obama, each and every country allow a free access to Human Rights group to the prisons and check on how many more GB need to be shut down.
I am sure, interesting results will come out. while GB would have around 500 inmates in its peak, the rest each country will show a result far far higher then this number and third world the inmates could be unimaginable.
Hope, someday one and all GB are shut.
Interrogation Torture fails
I love the Americans for at least one thing , which is utmost Honesty. If they err, they accept the mistakes and learn from it. Rest of the world keeps arguing and never accepts its mistakes. Nations consider utmost pride in defending their wrong actions.
I love USA.
Americans have confirmed that it was finally empathy which helps in extorting information and not shafting. I hope the rest of the world is learning out of this experience.
Interrogation is not an easy job, however, connecting to the person obviously helps in breaking him out.
Hopefully, US will further learn that it would be EMPATHY WITH NATIONS also which helps in bridging the distrust like the one now with North Korea and Iran.
Keep the Flag Flying High US.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Sri Lanka
LTTE was the most dangerous of Terrorist group and so well organized that they had a full fledged army, full top class weaponry, including air crafts and high motivation for conducting any crime in the name of Eelam.
LTTE invented Suicide Bombs, recruited child soldiers, recruited young girls to fight against the army, kept his own people deprived. Ran money laundering to finance the war, and the evils list is endless.
What could be a bigger shame that Prabhakaran was hiding behind walls, when Petticoat wearing young girls were fighting and giving their lives to protect his mission.
Many things to learn out LTTE
- If you do not allow a segment of society to come up equally, sooner or later, there would be a struggle and what shapes the struggle takes, nobody knows. Therefore the Govt of the day has to ensure that equal opportunities are provided to all sections of society, irrespective of class, caste, gender, ethnicity.
- If such a struggle does start, it has to be immediately corrected by way of extra benefits given to such group for at least sometime. Let them feel that they are now special at least and it has happened , because their voice was heard.
- If further , it goes out of hand and take a shape of violent no return, then there is no other way except to engage in eliminating the group altogether.
Sri Lanka and Russia have successfully finished LTTE and Chechan warlords.
Both cases the world cried foul, when the operations were being carried out. But those jokers, who cried foul, never come up to serve and offer their lives for those being killed for no reason by such groups.
The whole world was trying to press Sri lanka to stop the battle and if Srilanka would have stopped it , Prabhakaran and his goons would be still live to take up the next battle. Same old endless story.
Lesson to learn is that in times of Emergency and wars, nations have to stand by one another.
Also lesson to learn is that after a certain stage, it is only elimination of such groups, that brings about peace.
Pakistan is now struggling and fighting the same battle. Though in case of Pakistan, the Talibans are its own creation.
Again the lesson to learn is that any organization which once takes up arms is not an organization for political engagement ,but understand the fire power only. Whether it is in Spain or Ireland or Kashmir. If timely actions are not taken, these organizations then become draconian and uncontrollable.
However, a very clear line has to be established here. Some establishments like the Military rulers of Myanmar need a group to displace them.
Also, Human Rights have to be empowered and educated that in conflicts of asymmetric type, where was crimes cannot be identified, the rules of engangement has to be a very different kind.
Anyway, it is time US sends its top general from Afghanistan and Iraq to the military academy in Srilanka to learn, how Srilankans won over a ferocious Terrorist group .And Allied forces are still struggling to overpower under fed, illiterate, under armed and donkey riding Talibans against the Military power of US, Germany, UK , Canada, +++++++.
North Korea
Kim Jong Il, 2, one of the most deeply respected Korean in the Korean Peninsula, now has announced his final weapon.
If you are flying close to North Korea, the thin air will sing a song in praise of Kim Jong Il, 2 , such is his control. If he would order his generals that the Sun has to rise from the West, it would actually happen the very next day.
What is most interesting is that the whole nation submits to him and nobody trust nobody for daring to dissent. Not even the top army generals.
If one was to go by BBC Happiness Index of societies in general and where Bhutan confirms that its Gross Happiness Index is higher then the rest of the world, then it has certainly missed out on North Korea. Though underfed malnutrioned, zero access to the rest of the world , zero materialism and being happy with whatever life has provided , yet contented and proud of being able to Keep the South Koreans and Americans out of their boundaries.
Having established the system in place, you need to then bring the rest of the world to your knees. Hence, Booooooooooooooooooooom and comes the Atom Bomb.
What is further interesting for me, how Pariah states, totally isolated from the rest of the world can still have access to Nuclear weapons. If it is so easy, then I reckon the world is soon going to be a very dangerous place. North Korea is still a state and may be contained, but private mafias and war lords and drug mafias do not have a boundary of operation.
Iran is another example, a nation now for more then 25 years under sanctions and so many of them that UN does not know, how to invent more sanctions against Iran. But Iran against North Korea is a very very different situation. Iran has shown resilience, had developed despite the sanctions and generally has a genuine happier society with the people having a right to dissent. Though dissent against the supreme leader can be dangerous , but so is it dangerous in any other country, if you are politically engaged.
Going back to North Korea, the first knee jerk reaction after the bomb is to call a UN security council meeting and look for another resolution. The security council has now run out of words and does not really know, what next sanction, then can put in place.
By the way, if UN is listening, I would strongly recommend that let UN be an Internet Global Organization and all meetings can take place online and with conference calls. As we tax payers are sick of paying for our diplomats flirting with words and making meaningless endless speeches at UN.
UN can have its own TV channel and let the countries debate over TV via satellite phones.
If only UN sanctions would work, Iran would have become bankrupt long back, Myanmar would have collapsed , North Korea would have had a civil war etc etc. Perhaps, Libya could be cited as the only one country, which fell in line because of sanctions. But again not on account of sanctions, however for the reincarnation of Gaddaffi.
Back to North Korea: So, what is the solution for North Korea. First of course US has to really think, what a mess it made out of the successful negotiations to dismantle the nuclear reactor.
It did not really give the Carrot, it promised to North Korea and antagonized the dear leader. The net result, now is total chaos.
The Americans believed that North Korea will collapse like Soviet Union , under its own weight. Totally misjudged, Soviet Union collapsed, because Gorbachev indirectly supported the collapse , though he himself wanted the economic recovery as per 1000 days plan. That is another long story.
North Korea is an extremely proud nation and has been enough brain conditioned that each of them will die for their dear leader, irrespective of what is the cause of war.
The way forward is to first accept that North Korea is a nuclear power and sent compliments to the dear leader for having successfully tested a nuclear bomb, despite the population starving and a bankrupt treasury.
Second, show patience for a while. I am an astrologer and hand reader. I have very extensively read his hand and forecast that dear Leader is already in his last stages. Either he would pass by November latest this year or he would not exceed his 70 th birthday any case.
It is sometime better to take help of ET , when mankind cannot resolve its own issues
I posted the congress victory in India, here and had actually announced the number of seats as 250 , when congress itself was not even confident of getting 165. And this was a day before the results were announced.
This makes me officially the Psychic Power Astrologer and now with confidence I am prepared to make other Global announcements.
Keep reading
Friday, May 15, 2009
Global Forecast
Some of the last forecast that I had made have come out True like
- Global Collapse of the Stock Market.
- Bankruptcy of GM motors.
- Recession fades by second Quarter of 2009
- Winning of Congress in general election in Indian elections in 2009
- Oil Prices would be below USD 70. ( This forecast, I had made, when oil prices were at USD150 and had an OPEC executive travelling with me to Europe in the same flight and I challenged him that the prices would crash and finally be lower then USD 70)
- Fall of commodities.
Now some of the other forecast are as below
- Political change in Iran
- Revival of the stock market by 3rd quarter and by last quarter, already rallying.
- Political change in Myanmar within 2 years.
- US will come out to be the Ultimate Leader and most admired country in the world.
- Stem cells will cure the first Chronic Disease within the year of 2009.
- Telepathic science will be first explored and will move beyond controlling objects.
- Women will hold more positions in power then men.
More, later
Global Veggie
I recall my very first visit to Bangkok in the year 1987 and at that time, the only thing that was served to me in the name of veggie food was some green leaves boiled in water sprinkled with salt and pepper. And since then, now a full menu and even full restaurants serving only veggie food is a big change.
Given that Bangkok is a Tourist Paradise, it reflects the mood of the global community and not just the locals,.
However, the green leaf in hot water was not just a dish in Bangkok, but in Europe and Africa , it was still worse, where as a traveller, I had the only option to have salad plate and at times , make my own sandwich with salad. The Europeans would pity me for being a veggie.
Much later in my life , I realized that the rest of the world was not so much into veggie, just for the simple reason that the delectable vegetable cooking never was known to them. Hence, veggie food was best avoided. It was only in the Indian sub continent, where the vegetables were cooked deliously and hence formed the part of daily meal. The Italian cooking still has some veggie touch, but for the rest of Europe, it is only French Fries and for Germans, the Potatoes, which is a veggie ultimate food. Same for the Russians and then the Latin Americans.
Vegetables , if cooked nicely with assortment of spices, makes a perfect diet. Also, it is relatively very easy to cook vegetables, then meat and poultry.
No wonder, today Britain is so crazy about the curries. and Naans.
Having started my own business with zero money in my pocket, I learned the hard way that the Businesses are Best done by two kind of people only and for all the others, it is still better to have a routine job.
The first are the Family Run Businesses with poor educational background which traditionally for centuries have been running their own businessesand the second are the Multinational Companies. In both cases Poor Educational Background is a Must and other strong quality should be shamelessness . The leap is not so big from a Family run business to a Multinational Business.
High Education is a very big deterrent in running a successful business. Because, then you would question the validity of many actions.
Now, if you make a survey globally on all the most successful businesses, you will find the owners were very poorly qualified .
Multinational Companies hire Brillant MBA `s from Top Business Schools and then one would argue, how come the poor education helps. The fact is that MBA is teaching, what poorly educated guy is already doing so successfully and better then the Multinationals. Hence the correspondence is equivalent. Second, you would have never heard a Family Run company going backrupt or rarely making a loss. But GM motor, Enron and similar clones falling regularly. The Japanese were smart enough to make sure that their class of Multinationals would be still Family Owned like Toyoda , Nissan, which were all Textile machine makers and then ventured to Automobiles. However, always Family held.
90% of the global business is still Family owned and 10% are Multinational owned and amongst the Family owned, may be 1% are professionals owned, who struggle to fight the Sharks of Multinationals and Family owned.
I will tell you a True Story of an American Company which took over a Glass Bottle mfr plant in Rishikesh , India. The multinational company was already running such plants in US, Mexico, Europe, Africa and with the growing Indian Economy, every such company is looking toward the pie in the cake in growing markets.
This American company was a supplier to Coke and Pepsi and other American brands and therefore thought , it would be simple and easy to capture the market and any case coke and pepsi were the dominant customers.
Nosooner they took over the plant from Thapers in India, they realized that this is not going to be simple. First the Unions, then the Excise and sales tax, then the skill set of management, then the quality and finally the customer.
The company had Top ranking professionals flown in from US to restructure the business and the best systems were put in place, the company worked on no nonsense policies and three years later was loosing millions of dollars. How and why is a very long story. Five years later, the company was sold out to a Family owned company , which ofcourse is running it profitably.
But in short, no matter, what your money in pocket, no matter what your qualification, no matter what technology, what systems, what quality and what prices. At the end, if you could not think like an Idiot and manoeuvre the situation, the chances of success are very limited.
Family run companies know that there is something more then normal standard operating procedure and surely Multinationals know it better.
You have to see it all over the world, how Multinationals have taken over the businesses of even very small objects like , Water, ( Aqua), Chicken, ( KFC, Mc Donald ), Ice Cream ( Baskin Robbins) Choclates ( Nestle ) Coffee ( Nestle ) Not to forget Coke , Pepsi etc.
I am amazed to see Noodles eating China , now has become Burger eating China. It is only one country, India, where KFC and McDonald both have not taken off on the same scale as in all the other countries.
Coming back, if you are a professional and planning to start a business, then first you have to unlearn quite a lot and come to the same stage as the street hawker. Ultimately, he is also doing business and the Big company is also doing business, the only difference is the scalability. Both don't believe in paying taxes , both know, how to manipulate the regulations and both know ultimately, that the customer is actually a cow to be sucked .
Aung San Suu Kyi
Aung San Suu Kyi , 64 years old lady has spent almost her last 20 years under House Arrest. But here story is not just about a Brave Lady, who has been struggling non violently against a Military Regime. But how Impotent the Global Society is when it comes to dealing with Rogue Armies across the world.
First and Foremost is the UN, a walking and talking sham organization, whose Leaders work and behave as if they are protecting their jobs more then protecting the global interest.. Interestingly UN is also the organization, which got its first secretary general from Burma.
ASEAN is another version of UN in Asia, which periodically holds meetings for the welfare of the Media, hotels and other interest groups. Not one member state has the Guts to stand up and reprimand Myanmar for practically hijacking a complete society and ruling at Gun Point.
While the world is focused on more violent issues like Darfur, Swat, Afghanistan and Sri Lanka, the Rogue Army run states blatantly continue to enjoy its exploits.
The Irony is when I see on one side a smiling lady, waving to the people and on the other side a General taking salute from thousands of army men. I feel how weak an army can be, when it fears a simple smiling lady.
Such a weak army does not need even need another army or guerrilla group to displace, But just a knock on the door in the middle of the night on the top generals and they would all surrender like lambs. If they were real Man, they could have anyway not kept a Lady in prison for so long , fearing their own lives.
Meantime, UN, ASEAN and all such groups handling Myanmar need to be sent rotten eggs for tolerating the continued inhumanity.
Lastly, as a global citizen charter, I would recommend, every international airport, every international forum, conference, newspapers, TV, Internet forum need to have critical pictures of such regimes showing Injustice. Let them be SHAMED by the civilized Society. These regimes should be BOMBARDED CONTINIOUSLY EVERY SINGLE DAY WITH WORDS OF SHAME as Other Bombs , we peace loving citizens will never use.
Meantime, wishing Aung San Suu Kyi success in coming back and leading the country.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Fortune Telling
So, how much of it is True and how much is it False.
First, one had to keep the Principal, " Believe half the word you see and none the word you hear" so, if you see with your own eyes, you believe it or you delete it.
On Astrology, invariably, the astrologer will find more bad times then good times in your Time Line. None of them is ever able to predict anything with surety. If it comes out right, then it is just simple luck. However, with Palmistry, it is a more clearer science. The lines are very broad indicator of the life of a person, his character, values, health, fate, travel, success and failure. However , again the operative word in BROAD INDICATOR.
I am a Palmist myself and have now started a visionary service of Fortune telling with written Guarantee or Money Back. The whole idea is to compel all the astrologers and Palmist across the world to live up to their words. So next time , you consult an astrologer, quiz him, if his prediction's go wrong, if he would refund the payment.
Nevertheless , no matter what the fate, finally it is the Hard Work of a person which pays off. There is no substitute to Hard Work and Focused Attention.
Everyone is invited to visit my website . : http://www.paybackpalmistry.page.tl/