LTTE was the most dangerous of Terrorist group and so well organized that they had a full fledged army, full top class weaponry, including air crafts and high motivation for conducting any crime in the name of Eelam.
LTTE invented Suicide Bombs, recruited child soldiers, recruited young girls to fight against the army, kept his own people deprived. Ran money laundering to finance the war, and the evils list is endless.
What could be a bigger shame that Prabhakaran was hiding behind walls, when Petticoat wearing young girls were fighting and giving their lives to protect his mission.
Many things to learn out LTTE
- If you do not allow a segment of society to come up equally, sooner or later, there would be a struggle and what shapes the struggle takes, nobody knows. Therefore the Govt of the day has to ensure that equal opportunities are provided to all sections of society, irrespective of class, caste, gender, ethnicity.
- If such a struggle does start, it has to be immediately corrected by way of extra benefits given to such group for at least sometime. Let them feel that they are now special at least and it has happened , because their voice was heard.
- If further , it goes out of hand and take a shape of violent no return, then there is no other way except to engage in eliminating the group altogether.
Sri Lanka and Russia have successfully finished LTTE and Chechan warlords.
Both cases the world cried foul, when the operations were being carried out. But those jokers, who cried foul, never come up to serve and offer their lives for those being killed for no reason by such groups.
The whole world was trying to press Sri lanka to stop the battle and if Srilanka would have stopped it , Prabhakaran and his goons would be still live to take up the next battle. Same old endless story.
Lesson to learn is that in times of Emergency and wars, nations have to stand by one another.
Also lesson to learn is that after a certain stage, it is only elimination of such groups, that brings about peace.
Pakistan is now struggling and fighting the same battle. Though in case of Pakistan, the Talibans are its own creation.
Again the lesson to learn is that any organization which once takes up arms is not an organization for political engagement ,but understand the fire power only. Whether it is in Spain or Ireland or Kashmir. If timely actions are not taken, these organizations then become draconian and uncontrollable.
However, a very clear line has to be established here. Some establishments like the Military rulers of Myanmar need a group to displace them.
Also, Human Rights have to be empowered and educated that in conflicts of asymmetric type, where was crimes cannot be identified, the rules of engangement has to be a very different kind.
Anyway, it is time US sends its top general from Afghanistan and Iraq to the military academy in Srilanka to learn, how Srilankans won over a ferocious Terrorist group .And Allied forces are still struggling to overpower under fed, illiterate, under armed and donkey riding Talibans against the Military power of US, Germany, UK , Canada, +++++++.
The Army action in Srilanka, can not be compared to any other country fighting out the terror groups.The northern part of Srilanka, was all out of control of the Govt. There was no army or civil government there. No body knew who paid the people employed in offices to run them. Where as in Kashmir it s in control of the government and it is only going about the terrorists as and when they surface and fight to diturb the nomalacy.The people of Kashmir are voting a government. They run the essential services. The drive of Army was to bring back the north under its control. With he local Tamil population not revolting against LTTE nor eager to see Srilankan government rules their land the Army had no option to wait for the LTTE to be seperated from civilians. May be LTTE was ruling the Tamils against their wishes. It was shamful on the part of LTTE to mingle with civilians and fight. There was no direct rank to rank fighting.However it is unfortunate 300000 had to be rehabilitated.