While I have never Traveled to Japan, but Japan has always fascinated me/
An example of a very small country which went in to not only take over most of Asia pacific in the second world war, but after being bombed to rubble by the Americans rose to one of the most advanced nations and most prosperous nation in the world.
I will not go into the history of Japan, as wikipedia is better channel for it. But what wiki does not detail is that Japanese considered themselves as the direct race as descendents of “Sun God" And well, if such a thing did exist, then they have actually proved that they are actually the descendents of “Sun God”
On my flight out of Ceylon Airport in SriLanka, I had a Japanese reporter seated next to me and we went talking. The only question I kept repeating to him and he could not answer me successfully was " How is that a country which practically had a "Martial Race", and had conquered China, Korea, Parts of Australia, Singapore, Indonesia, etc etc had now become so much calm and quiet."
Generally a Martial race is hot headed and war inclined, but Japan is an example, how a full country changed to No War Country and though on account of US dictates, yet it is the people who actually embraced the new constitution. I may have very serious differences with US on the way the Japanese King was bailed out and allowed to continue with his royalty. No matter how much symbolic, but was fully responsible for the War Crimes of First and Second World War. The allied forces made similar blunders with Nazis, where hundreds of Nazi generals got bailed out on flimsy grounds.
Further, it was Japan, who first came up with Suicide Bombers and young men laid their lives for the sake of generals who lectured them to take up such an assignment for the sake of patriotism and be a martyr. Well, I dont see much of a difference between them and the modern suicide bombers glorifying themselves in the name of religion. Both were equally Brain Damaged. When a certain class of people feel threatened, then they find enough reasons to push their young men into death traps and satisfy their own whims and fancies. If only history is correctly written and read, most young men will immediately understand the game being played with them. But till then, more young men would be drawn into martyrdom, whether in Palestine or in Pakistan.
Both Germany and Japan then went into show the world that they had the true genius besides the military errors.
Japan has overtaken Germany many folds on account of small budget on army and also the country with its strong ties with US after the war changed the country.
There is lot to learn from the Japanese. They are the best Lateral Thinkers; though very very slow thinkers and poor managers. Japanese companies are not the best place to make a career, nor it is the best companies to do business, yet they make such reliable products at such nice prices, that they don’t get ignored. Infact, they come to the top, despite all the organizational weaknesses.
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