Blogging Birds

Blogging Birds

Friday, December 10, 2010


Why are so many people crying ' Foul ' against ' Assange' for leaking out the classified cables of US Diplomacy. And interestingly I find so many hotly debating that he has put the life`s of so many people in danger.

Whatever leaks I have read , I dont really find anything which was not already known to everyone. Other then now it is the most original form, reproduced word to word. May be Wikileaks has bought the Arab World views on Iran more on the front, but that is already making things so much easier and nicer for US. The Yemeni covering up the attack by US Army was also very well known to the whole world.

Yes, there will be a credibality loss for the US army, because whenever its missbombing is reported and then explained by the US Generals, no one would ever accept. However, this gives a chance to US Generals to not cover up any missbombing and at the first place , not try any such stunt.

Sweden, a country which stands for " Human Rights Values " has asked for the extradition. I use to think Sweden was perhaps the Best Country in the world for Human Rights, but now I would equate it to ...................?

Australian Foreign Minister was the only one who had the guts to stand up and say, it is not Assange, but the US Diplomacy, which needs to be blamed. US should know, how to keep its secure data. If wikileaks can look into US records, then any terrorist organization or for that matter any rouge country can break into Pentagon and break the whole system .

In an open world, there is no need for Hypocrisy. The talk and walk should be the same. One cannot say something to the public and hide the facts for keeping himself in power and position.

Arrest of One Assange will no way stop wikileaks to publish more and more classifed information.

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