Blogging Birds

Blogging Birds

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Iraq Bitten Twice Shy.

UN finally resolved to impose No Fly Zone , which tacitly means support of rebels in Libya for displacing Gaddaffi. Though, it is a very interesting situation, where practically the whole of Middle East is now on its way to step out of its Anarchic rulers. And one will have to see, how UN, now handles Baharin, Yemen, Syria and many more.

For US, it has made another mess. Obama with a Nobel peace prize behind him should have kissed his prize a number of times ,before ordering missiles into Libya. US should have allowed Europe to take lead and should have been on the sidelines.

Iraq experience has taught the world , that it is easy to take over a country, but almost impossible to be there and form a sensible Government. Libya is no exception, where even if the rebels take over the country, the loyalist will still have the arms and resources to fight till the last.

There is still time to bail out Gadaffi and come to an understanding, then to see Blood Shed.
If it gets delayed, I will not be surprised, if Libya becomes the big centre for another terrorist group . As for sure, Libya knowing, it cannot win the conventional war will not mind paying petro dollars to suicide bombers to blow European cities.

The war needs to be immediately contained, Gaddaffi should be offerred a bail out and a temporary governing body should be made ready to take over Libya.

While Arab League again could not show any leadership, though many of its own members are on shaky wicket. UN for the first time has taken a good fast decision against a country where it considers that the government is harming its own people.

This can now be used as precedence for overthrowing many many corrupt and brutal regimes like Myanmar.

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