This week, June 25th to June 30th 2012 marks some of the most interesting events that took shape in the history of mankind.
Let me review it for you.
Egypt gets a first ever democratically elected president . ( Though powerless)
Obama Care comes into Action.
Barclay Bank admits to manipulating Libor for Interest fixing on loans.
Spain gets a Euro Bail out and markets cheer.
Germany Tear Drops to Italy and Portuguese Peanlty-icked by Spain.
Syria downs Turkish Plane and sends warning signals to NATO. NATO cries like a baby and goes to bed again, thumb sucking included.
Colorado under Fire and Assam under Water.
Oil prices fell to the lowest. Commodities continue to Crash.
China for the first time in decades shows lower then 8% growth.
Indian Rupee falls to its knees.
Wow, what more would you expect from the World Theater. Except the week did not have any romantic story or any Brit or Italian or French sex scandal, to give some finishing touches to the picture.
This marks the end of the first half of this year .
Starting July, Greece, Spain and Italy, government bonds come for redemption and these are all around $15 billion plus each . Thereafter month after month the bonds get redeemed. I am quite anxious to see, where the money will come from or some countries will default. What is coming in the second half of the show is still more exciting . Like a mystery movie, where right till the last moment, one does not know the end.
US Total Debt : $15 Trillion
Italy and Spain Total Debt : $2.4 Trillion
Greece Total Debt : Euro 350 Billion or say $0.5 Trillion
Where are the Whites Heading To ? ( No racism intended)
What shall I tell my children , who are white?
White is the color of Hope and Light.
Keep Watching!
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