Blogging Birds

Blogging Birds

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Change of Guard: Iran.

How a leader can make such a big difference to any country / organization/ institution is seen from the New President Of Iran.

Overwhelming victory in elections because of voice of moderation and promising economic acceleration to the country is now showing up in words and deeds.

Within days of his commissioning , he reached out to the world and took UN by the storm. Unlike his predecessor, who had a fixed agenda of Israel obsession, Rouhani turned the tables completely. No other president in the history has made such a significant U Turn, other then Gorbachev.

What was most appealing about Rouhani was the calm, composed and saintly image against the other Pop Star Presidents at UN. He spoke with wisdom and conviction and got the whole world to his side. Though Israel still drums against Iran, however, this time, Iran ran away with the trophy. If Israel goofs up this time, there never again will come a time to have peace with Iran. What they did with Egypt many decades back needs to be replicated with Iran now. Automatically Hezbollah, Hamas and Others get neutralized.

Iran back into the global community will make a very huge difference to the economy of the world. Practically a whole new country will open up for biz with multi billion dollar prospects. The oil prices also sharply drop and a new Middle East Giant will emerge after decades of isolation.

Rouhani in Persian means, " The Soul".  Therefore, Iraninas have chosen to speak out from their Soul this time and time has come to get all sanctions out of Iran. And let Iran join the main stream nations. Iran always has been a very technologically advanced nation despite all the sanctions and now with sanctions on its way out, the country will rise and shine.

I use to tell my Swiss friend, that the most beautiful women in the world come from Iran. Infact, if Iran was to participate in the Ms Wold contest, each year, they would have been crowned with the Ms World.  I am already looking forward to that stage, when Iranian women take a lead and show their crowning glory to the world with all the new changes.

I am also looking forward to visit Iran again soon.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Syria : The War Lost.

Obama got bailed out by the Russians and the situation has changed dramatically.

For me , it is a very amusing to see , as to how the global leaders work with conflicts. Same US, which was threatening to damn Syria within 24 hours , not has taken a backfoot and not only that, it goes to weeks and months and as much as the time table shows the complete destruction of Chemical weapons by middle of 2014.

Weapons deceleration, weapons inspection, UN inspectors, destruction of weapons etc etc is all humbug of another kind. What stops Assad in moving the chemical weapons to Iran or Hizbollah or even hand it over to Al Qaida. Al Qaida only enemy in the world is one. I don't know, how all this makes sense. But for the time being Diplomacy has taken another turn.

The whole subject is about bringing about peace in Syria , it is not about people being killed by chemical weapons or conventional weapons. US really messed up. The statement which was apt was that enough the world has seen the killings of innocent Syrians and now it will not sit and watch anymore. However, it went in with Red Lines and Orange lines.

The delay in action by the world has ensured that Assad has practically won the war. Standing against the rebels for 3 years has brought up him legitimacy with whatever people are still there in Syria. The army has also shown loyalty to him and now with Russian support, it has become far more stronger then ever before. He is now in for atleast couple of more years.

The media has never been able to report as to how much of Syria is actually in hands of rebels and how much in the hands of Assad. If large part is with Assad, then any case the war is over. Rebels have no chance at all .

The initial defections of Syrian ministers did create a chance for the world to quickly act and take control, but US failed to act then.

The only way forward is to get the Rebels to now accept the Peace process with the current government and forget about the civil war. They have no chance for them to win anymore. Atleast, it will stop further killing of people and allow the millions of refugees from Jordan, Turkey, Iraq to get back to their home country.

Syria should then be entrusted with International Peace keeping force as was in Bosnia or Rwanda.

Let fresh elections take place and if Assad still succeeds in winning, then there is no choice for the world to accept that a war criminal ( as said by Ban Hi Moon) enjoys his peoples support. But let us try the election route once. Assad has already promised elections within 6 months of restoration of peace.

The Iraq experience or Libya experience are not really a happy situation, where dictators were removed and yet the country faces daily deaths with interfaith collusion's. Hence, for whatever it is worth for sometime, let the dictator continue.

Lesson to learn : Stitch in time, saves nine.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Obama : Trapped his own Red Circle.

British Parliament voted against the military action by their forces in Syria, French took a U turn and totally changed their language. Obama got caught in his own Red Circle.

After having announced that within hours, days, it was ready to strike like this> And now has gone to the Congress to take a vote for the action. Just in case, the congress disapproves it, what face will he show the world ?

The people now in US ask, what is their for US in this action. Why should it take this moral high stand, when the rest of the world is not supporting it. Is the evidence crystal clear or it is going to be another intelligence goof up.

What is limited action by the way ? It is one week, one month, hundred missiles, crippling the Syrian army or what exactly it means. Like one journalist says, what happens if the price is paid by US many years later, as was seen in the case of Afghanistan, which went through limited action.

French have already said, they are not in for it and best were the Germans, who simply kept out of it.

Obama has put himself into a very tight spot by prematurely announcing limited strike in Syria and now dillydallying on the same.

As a Nobel peace prize winner, is this the way to get peace into a conflict zone. Specially, when the UN chief is loudly crying for Diplomacy to be given a chance. Rest of the world is equally distressed with the chemical weapons horror seen on TV, but still thinks, best is to get the two warring factions to come forward and work out a peace deal.

Assad has already announced that his will go for elections within 6 months of restoring peace. Therefore, rebels, should come forward and accept the same. Only thing, which is not acceptable is Assad there. And a good solution needs to be found to ask Assad to relinquish politics for good order sake.

If US comes forward and tells Assad, that if he does not accept the peace solution , then with out without UN resolution, NATO will strike and that will be still a good choice and the world might accept it. Same as what happened in case of Libya. But only a limited strike> Nothing gets achieved, except for one more big enemy of US.

Rather then US security becoming stronger, it will have one more set of people, who will standing against it.

There are no deliverable s of limited strike. The world already knows that using these, can land them into International war crimes court and face rest of life in prison. Same should be done to Assad, if found guilty of using chemical weapons. No big stick is required to tell the world, that the same will be used against them, if another country tries the stunt.

Let the UN inspectors do their homework. Let Syrian Govt be given a chance to explain, how the chemical weapons got used and find the real culprits and let diplomacy takes its own turn.

It is already very very late of striking Syria, so let it take some more time to come to a sensible level with clear deliverable s of military action and a stand by peace keep force to immediately come into action, as Assad gets displaced. That would still be acceptable.