Dictators Believe that they are the " Gods Gift To Mankind" . Then there are others like democratically elected " Dictators" say Ahemidinijad, Hugos, Kazak Pres, Uzbek Pres, and so many more. Ofcourse not to forget that the Communist party rulers anyway believe that God comes only next to the party leader.
All of us have been watching Gaddaffi clinging to his seat firmly with his two arms clutched to the chair and crying like a baby for being recognized as the " King of Libya". Begging not to be booted out in this manner atleast. Who is bothered anyway!
Thanks to Tunisia and then Egypt, it has caused an awakening amongst the Arabs and hopefully soon amongst Africans and Asians. Each Dictator or autocratic regime is nervously looking at the events of Libya now.
Last Post, I wrote about UN and not so long from then, we again see the UN failure. Gaddaffi loyalist army and police and his tribal gangs killing the protesters and UN is issuing statements and sanctions . I wonder, when a Dictator is busy shielding himself against its own people, whether he actually cares for any foreign sanctions, no fly zones, arms embargo etc etc. At that particular time, it is for him ,life and death. He would deal with UN once back in grip.
Most interesting is about countries like Italy, UK, US and others who fell on Gaddaffi feet for their own oil massage . Are now issuing sanctions of arms, freezing of assets , financial sanctions etc etc . Not that the world has not been aware of the dictator for the last 42 years, but like I have written in another blog of mine, the economic reasons are the over riding relationship criterion . Same like doing business with Hitler , despite all his misadventures.
None of these countries ever had the power to throw Gaddaffi out. He became a kind of Hero for the Arab and African countries . Libya , despite having its large oil wealth is still a very poor nation. Thanks to the loot of Gaddaffi and his cronies. Atleast in Venezuela, the great friend of Gaddaffi, the one Oil company is practically the economy of the full country. For , whatever it is worth , that one oil company is still a source of job, income and wealth of that nation.
Most shameful was the act of British Government , who went in to release the Lockerbie bomber on Business grounds and frame it as compassionate ground. This itself show the hypocrisy of a developed nation. BP gets Libyan oil or not would have hardly made any difference to the people of UK, but the politicians, as what they are made out of , thought that if Gaddaffi was now a saint for Italians, Americans, then why should the Brits not consider him a holy cow. If BP Libyan business and Shell Libyan business sits on the dead bodies of " Lockerbie " and eats the fruits of profits from trading massacre to oil, then it is not these companies which are to be blamed, it is the politicians of these nations, who worked hard to get these companies there.
Gaddaffi`s Tent is now larger and like most other dictators , he lives in the world of hallucunations. UN has to become more proactive . Like I wrote before, any army which does not restore democratic set up within 6 months needs to be nullified and neutralized and its general tried for crimes against humanity. UN secretary general should have openly advised Gaddaffi of being run down by a foreign army, if he did not gracefully step down. But as usual, there are speeches, shouting and a drama, which no dictator cares and hopes that some loyalist will bail him out and he would continue with his stunts.
Nevertheless, it is now the time for an emergence of a New World Order.
Corrupt Governments and bureaucrat's should only count their days, because the revolution in these countries will not stop there and soon most other third world countries will over run their systems. The people in these nations are fighting corruption, failed institutions and bureaucracy, it is not so much to do with dictatorship or democracy.

Blogging Birds

Friday, February 25, 2011
Egypt : Reincarnation,
Egypt after Tunisia has perhaps laid the precedence for all countries in the world to overthrow their governments, who fail to deliver. Egyptians , though quite late in time, yet they have again shown that when standing united ,the people can overthrow Dictators.
The Egypt model is exact replica of the Philippines model, where " Marcos" had to give way to its people`s unity. Indonesia also saw the same Change. However, only when it was on the brink of bankruptcy. Iran saw the same change. But the bigger question today is not about overthrowing of the dictators. But, did the governments subsequently installed made the nations anyway better then their dictators. Going by Philippines, Indonesia, Iran, the answer is " No" . There may have been far better Human Right Conditions and freedom of speech, but when it comes to governance, these are very poor exhibits of a nation which have shown maturity of serving its own people. It was practically going from " Frying Pan to Fire" Very little changed, when it came to Governance. Egypt has to learn from these failed models and come out with the best model which will take their country to the most successful and developed nation in the world.
If Egypt really wants to come up as the most unique and exemplary democracy . Then the first thing, it needs is to throw away its constitution and write a new constitution . It may be worth researching constitutions of countries like Norway, Denmark, Finland, UK, France, US and similar countries. Invite scholars and professors and judges from the top universities and debate the " Institutional Building " , which give fair, just and progressive system of governance . It also ensures that the ultimate power is always vested with the people and any bureaucracy that tries to exploit the system into corrupt practices is under an automatic supervision of the people themselves. These checks and balances left to the government have miserably failed , even in countries like US , UK and France.
I am reminded of the book " The Idea of Justice" of Amritya Sen , Nobel Laureate, wherein he has very elaborately debated the most effective form of Governance and has vivid examples including from the ancient Indian history . Where Ashoka builds the Niti ( Policies ) and Nyaya ( Justice) form of Governance, after being humbled by his own victory in the Kalinga war . He has quoted many a global philosophers on this issue in his book and is a good place for any country to refer, when it is on such a crossroad.
It is now or never again a chance for Egypt for its Reincarnation. Good Luck Egyptians!
The Egypt model is exact replica of the Philippines model, where " Marcos" had to give way to its people`s unity. Indonesia also saw the same Change. However, only when it was on the brink of bankruptcy. Iran saw the same change. But the bigger question today is not about overthrowing of the dictators. But, did the governments subsequently installed made the nations anyway better then their dictators. Going by Philippines, Indonesia, Iran, the answer is " No" . There may have been far better Human Right Conditions and freedom of speech, but when it comes to governance, these are very poor exhibits of a nation which have shown maturity of serving its own people. It was practically going from " Frying Pan to Fire" Very little changed, when it came to Governance. Egypt has to learn from these failed models and come out with the best model which will take their country to the most successful and developed nation in the world.
If Egypt really wants to come up as the most unique and exemplary democracy . Then the first thing, it needs is to throw away its constitution and write a new constitution . It may be worth researching constitutions of countries like Norway, Denmark, Finland, UK, France, US and similar countries. Invite scholars and professors and judges from the top universities and debate the " Institutional Building " , which give fair, just and progressive system of governance . It also ensures that the ultimate power is always vested with the people and any bureaucracy that tries to exploit the system into corrupt practices is under an automatic supervision of the people themselves. These checks and balances left to the government have miserably failed , even in countries like US , UK and France.
I am reminded of the book " The Idea of Justice" of Amritya Sen , Nobel Laureate, wherein he has very elaborately debated the most effective form of Governance and has vivid examples including from the ancient Indian history . Where Ashoka builds the Niti ( Policies ) and Nyaya ( Justice) form of Governance, after being humbled by his own victory in the Kalinga war . He has quoted many a global philosophers on this issue in his book and is a good place for any country to refer, when it is on such a crossroad.
It is now or never again a chance for Egypt for its Reincarnation. Good Luck Egyptians!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
UNO : The Big Black Hole!
UNO succeeded League of Nations. Practically it was formed to ensure that the nation members would behave sensibly and rationally with one another . Security council was to ensure peace and stability, because though World War Ended, the new War was the Cold war. With the Korean war still in place, the world was divided into US aligned or Soviet Aligned . Till the Soviet collapsed and China and India became the emerging new super powers.
UN is a classical story of a Club, where each nation flirted without any accountability and responsibilities. Depending upon its affinity , the countries voted for issues which mattered most to the Veto Block. At any given time, if you happen to see the UN security council assembly, it will show none of the members interested in listening to the other member state speech. The only time alertness is shown, when a sanction or war or similar issues needs to be voted. At such time, it becomes clear that "You are either with us or you are against us" Most countries abstain for fear of the long stick , others who vote against the sanctions generally do it for economic reasons, then rational reasons. Rationality or Fairness was never the key goal of the Veto Powers. It was always the support for a nation, no matter how belligerent and misplaced it would have been.
UN currently has become a Holiday High Paid Job. Absolutely zero work, read a speech or two , once in a while. Lobby for support once in a while and enjoy the tax free perks and great life in a city like New York, Geneva, Vienna , Nairobi etc.
The irony is not just one security council of UN, where nations put their bureaucrats, but also to one dozen other sham organizations, where bureaucrats are deputed . Eg ; International Atomic Agency based in Vienna. All 192 members will put one officer in this agency, who will attend only one meeting in the full year and do nothing. Who pays for it. Our Taxes! Same is the story for other arms of UNO.
Look around yourself and see, what UNICEF has done or world food program has done or World Bank has done. Identify one single project around you and there is none. However, these organizations with millions of dollars budgets routinely make nice reading reports, work alongside corrupt governments and happily each bureaucrats spends his term in these plush positions and retires.
The World bank loans which should have otherwise gone for development of the impoverished countries went actually in projects with conflicting interest. Billions of dollars were sucked away. However, the tax payers of these nations had to still pay back the world bank.
The most Hilarius part of UNO offices is that though they were meant to be for the development of the worlds poorest nations, however, were based in the worlds richest nations. This by itself is a very big corruption. Who is paying for such high overheads in these most expensive cities of the world. Why should the UN offices, not be located in the worlds poorest nations, where anyway they have all the work?
Visit any office of UN and see, how taxpayers money is being used. Salaries are tax free and the perks to envy the best MNC paid executive. Are these the standards of servicing the poor nations.
The bigger question is , whether such an organization is required at the first place. If yes, it still does not need a permanent secretariat in New York with ambassadors posted from around the world. It can still meet once in a while in any developing country. The other arms of UNO have to go through the system of Accountabilities and Deliverable ,which are internationally approved. They cannot be left to the governing bodies of these multilateral agencies.
UNO should have laid out the basis of good governance for the whole world. It would have laid out model bureaucracy which countries had to embrace to service its nationals. It should have been extremely strict with Human Rights Violations and would have arrested the ministers and head of nations and tried in International Court of Justice. It would have made mandatory that any army which coups and takes over as dictatorship will then face arrest and life sentences, if fails to restore democratic order within 6 months. It would openly make nations with corruption to be taken over by neutral agencies, same as peace keeping force, it would be bureaucratic force . The sovereignty of nation would be defined as the one, which excels in servicing its people and not the one where the corrupt manage the nation and seal the nation against good order in the name of sovereignty. The excuse forwarded generally is that it has no power. Well, if it has no power, then let the Secretary General first empower the organization or simply shut the organization. We dont want a Big Black Hole sucking away everything in the name of UNO.
The only place, where UNO has been effective is during Relief work, peace monitoring and some other areas. But this does not need such a huge set up.
largely, it is a Big Black Hole which even sucks away the finest ray of light. It is about time, when UNO has to be made a Shining Sun then a Black Hole.
UN is a classical story of a Club, where each nation flirted without any accountability and responsibilities. Depending upon its affinity , the countries voted for issues which mattered most to the Veto Block. At any given time, if you happen to see the UN security council assembly, it will show none of the members interested in listening to the other member state speech. The only time alertness is shown, when a sanction or war or similar issues needs to be voted. At such time, it becomes clear that "You are either with us or you are against us" Most countries abstain for fear of the long stick , others who vote against the sanctions generally do it for economic reasons, then rational reasons. Rationality or Fairness was never the key goal of the Veto Powers. It was always the support for a nation, no matter how belligerent and misplaced it would have been.
UN currently has become a Holiday High Paid Job. Absolutely zero work, read a speech or two , once in a while. Lobby for support once in a while and enjoy the tax free perks and great life in a city like New York, Geneva, Vienna , Nairobi etc.
The irony is not just one security council of UN, where nations put their bureaucrats, but also to one dozen other sham organizations, where bureaucrats are deputed . Eg ; International Atomic Agency based in Vienna. All 192 members will put one officer in this agency, who will attend only one meeting in the full year and do nothing. Who pays for it. Our Taxes! Same is the story for other arms of UNO.
Look around yourself and see, what UNICEF has done or world food program has done or World Bank has done. Identify one single project around you and there is none. However, these organizations with millions of dollars budgets routinely make nice reading reports, work alongside corrupt governments and happily each bureaucrats spends his term in these plush positions and retires.
The World bank loans which should have otherwise gone for development of the impoverished countries went actually in projects with conflicting interest. Billions of dollars were sucked away. However, the tax payers of these nations had to still pay back the world bank.
The most Hilarius part of UNO offices is that though they were meant to be for the development of the worlds poorest nations, however, were based in the worlds richest nations. This by itself is a very big corruption. Who is paying for such high overheads in these most expensive cities of the world. Why should the UN offices, not be located in the worlds poorest nations, where anyway they have all the work?
Visit any office of UN and see, how taxpayers money is being used. Salaries are tax free and the perks to envy the best MNC paid executive. Are these the standards of servicing the poor nations.
The bigger question is , whether such an organization is required at the first place. If yes, it still does not need a permanent secretariat in New York with ambassadors posted from around the world. It can still meet once in a while in any developing country. The other arms of UNO have to go through the system of Accountabilities and Deliverable ,which are internationally approved. They cannot be left to the governing bodies of these multilateral agencies.
UNO should have laid out the basis of good governance for the whole world. It would have laid out model bureaucracy which countries had to embrace to service its nationals. It should have been extremely strict with Human Rights Violations and would have arrested the ministers and head of nations and tried in International Court of Justice. It would have made mandatory that any army which coups and takes over as dictatorship will then face arrest and life sentences, if fails to restore democratic order within 6 months. It would openly make nations with corruption to be taken over by neutral agencies, same as peace keeping force, it would be bureaucratic force . The sovereignty of nation would be defined as the one, which excels in servicing its people and not the one where the corrupt manage the nation and seal the nation against good order in the name of sovereignty. The excuse forwarded generally is that it has no power. Well, if it has no power, then let the Secretary General first empower the organization or simply shut the organization. We dont want a Big Black Hole sucking away everything in the name of UNO.
The only place, where UNO has been effective is during Relief work, peace monitoring and some other areas. But this does not need such a huge set up.
largely, it is a Big Black Hole which even sucks away the finest ray of light. It is about time, when UNO has to be made a Shining Sun then a Black Hole.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Third World : Survival of the Richest.
The second world war saw the end of colonization of many a countries. However, most of these colonies, which then became large independent countries did not really know themselves the democratic way of society.
Almost one and all copy pasted the constitution of their colonial masters with a little change here and there. But the biggest irony was that almost all of them copy pasted the laws , which their masters had framed to enjoy rule over the colony.
The result was that soon after independence, the new formed bureaucracy now started enjoying powers ,which were earlier vested with the " White Skin " master. Not only that, it furthered itself to use these powers and the oppressive laws to now obstruct the natural flow of goods and services to its own people. It soon realized that the best position was to keep everything under suspension and use it for lining their own pockets. Corruption , which was unheard of during the colonial times, now became the normal way of life. Interestingly , it was all across the third world, systematic abuse of power took place and corruption then became a way of life. Today, it is the only way to get around most government offices across third world countries. It was such a shame on the Developed countries and the rest of the world that none of them vouched for UN sanctions against governments and politicians which oppressed and sucked its own people in the name of governance. The sanctions are only against countries, who are not willing to toe the line of western interest. But again sanctions have to mean arrest of corrupt politicians/ bureaucrats,de- recognizing the parliament of such countries and not debarring of trade and penalizing the already oppressed population.
The army in most of these countries believed that , it was the natural successor of the colonial rulers and was the rightful ruler of the nation. Hence could bypass a civic society and have budgets and benefits that would be envy of a king. Many of these nations were quickly overtaken by the dictators, whether it was Argentina or Chile or Libya or Uganda or Pakistan and you can count most of them. The army then systematically looted the nation of its own wealth. It was no ones business. Developed nations would continue doing business with these nations. Multinational companies enjoyed the situation, because all it required was the blessings of an army and they would monopolize the business. Most oil companies and mining companies were the biggest beneficiaries of this situation. The whole of middle east oil was largely in the hands of Western MNC. The mining in Africa was again in the hands of western MNC.
The remnants of an already sucked nation by their colonizers was now being sucked away by either the army or by the bureaucrats and politicians. The population of these nations, was still fighting illiteracy, diseases, poverty, lack of employment opportunities etc and for the corrupt , these were the very cause of opportunities for making their wealth. Each and every nation had its own heroes to glorify for their independence movement , but it was not long, before that these heroes were only an academic subject and the nations were taken over by its own corrupt politicians. Who saw that it was much easier to manipulate large mass of illiterates and capture votes and remain in power. The educated, intelligentsia was no different from the elimination it has seen in the Cultural Revolution in China. Only that , here, they were marginalized and not eliminated.
Retrospectively, one looks behind and only feels that if he has successfully managed his life out of all this messy situation, then it was already a great job. Not many were so lucky. It was always a struggle to survive. It was never more then hand to mouth for most of the population in these nations.
30 to 40 years after the second world war, the people in these nations were getting enlightened, were now better educated and some semblance of economic order had returned to these countries . The dictators and politicians got questioned. Only the other day, I was watching the Davos BBC debate and the world bank and politicians were taking pride on uplifting millions out of poverty in the last 20 years. Factually, it is this world bank and politicians, who are responsible for keeping the world under poverty for the first 40 years and to a great extent till date in most developing nations. It is only today , after 65 years that a nation like Egypt is celebrating the departure of yet another dictator.
When I talk to my western counterparts, they say, no wonder your countries were colonized, because you are anyway a bunch of tribals, who work and behave coherently only under a barrel of gun. And sometimes, I think , this is not too much wrong. How many of our nations actually return politicians who are worth governing their countries. Don't we return politicians ruling the tribals ?
In countries like S.Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, they successfully wiped out corruption and became some of the richest economies of the world. It was as easy as that, if actually the politicians wanted. All it takes is mass sacking of hundreds of officers in one single day and the next day, the whole country is free of corruption. But this needs a powerful , righteous and strong leader.
If India and China, today boost of growth, then it is very little to do with the governments there, but largely to do with the private sector and the middle class. Both these nations at least had invested heavily into education and the people in both these countries were very proud of their Tertiary qualifications. Which finally started resulting into Economic Output and Value Velocity, as soon as the capital got freely available. For China, it was easier, because when you start with a very low number, then growth numbers always look nicer. Say, growth from 100 to 200 is 100%, but growth of 10 million to 11 Million is only 10%. China had this numeral advantage. Both the nations are responsible for keeping their economies locked for 40 years and exploiting their own nation.
Did Japan and Europe not come our flattened from the second world. Was it not the open economies of these nations and the world bank/ Aid, which took them to such an enviable position today. Why is that Europe , Japan and US not turn to corruption. They were simple human beings like us. Perhaps, this shows that within human beings itself it is not everyone is equal. History and Sociology are reflections of how certain group of people from certain lands were always more progressive then the others, only on account of freedom and fair society. Only an open, fair, transparent and innovative society progresses. Whether it will live in peace and harmony is another debate. Others, will always fall in the hands of colonial/ political / corrupt masters.
The irony is that , everyone has moved to his comfort zone and does not care about the misgoverning anymore. Corruption of the order of million of dollars is considered a normal routine affair. Capitalism is now fully embedded in each society. The survival of the Richest is the new Darwin's Theory in the modern world.
Almost one and all copy pasted the constitution of their colonial masters with a little change here and there. But the biggest irony was that almost all of them copy pasted the laws , which their masters had framed to enjoy rule over the colony.
The result was that soon after independence, the new formed bureaucracy now started enjoying powers ,which were earlier vested with the " White Skin " master. Not only that, it furthered itself to use these powers and the oppressive laws to now obstruct the natural flow of goods and services to its own people. It soon realized that the best position was to keep everything under suspension and use it for lining their own pockets. Corruption , which was unheard of during the colonial times, now became the normal way of life. Interestingly , it was all across the third world, systematic abuse of power took place and corruption then became a way of life. Today, it is the only way to get around most government offices across third world countries. It was such a shame on the Developed countries and the rest of the world that none of them vouched for UN sanctions against governments and politicians which oppressed and sucked its own people in the name of governance. The sanctions are only against countries, who are not willing to toe the line of western interest. But again sanctions have to mean arrest of corrupt politicians/ bureaucrats,de- recognizing the parliament of such countries and not debarring of trade and penalizing the already oppressed population.
The army in most of these countries believed that , it was the natural successor of the colonial rulers and was the rightful ruler of the nation. Hence could bypass a civic society and have budgets and benefits that would be envy of a king. Many of these nations were quickly overtaken by the dictators, whether it was Argentina or Chile or Libya or Uganda or Pakistan and you can count most of them. The army then systematically looted the nation of its own wealth. It was no ones business. Developed nations would continue doing business with these nations. Multinational companies enjoyed the situation, because all it required was the blessings of an army and they would monopolize the business. Most oil companies and mining companies were the biggest beneficiaries of this situation. The whole of middle east oil was largely in the hands of Western MNC. The mining in Africa was again in the hands of western MNC.
The remnants of an already sucked nation by their colonizers was now being sucked away by either the army or by the bureaucrats and politicians. The population of these nations, was still fighting illiteracy, diseases, poverty, lack of employment opportunities etc and for the corrupt , these were the very cause of opportunities for making their wealth. Each and every nation had its own heroes to glorify for their independence movement , but it was not long, before that these heroes were only an academic subject and the nations were taken over by its own corrupt politicians. Who saw that it was much easier to manipulate large mass of illiterates and capture votes and remain in power. The educated, intelligentsia was no different from the elimination it has seen in the Cultural Revolution in China. Only that , here, they were marginalized and not eliminated.
Retrospectively, one looks behind and only feels that if he has successfully managed his life out of all this messy situation, then it was already a great job. Not many were so lucky. It was always a struggle to survive. It was never more then hand to mouth for most of the population in these nations.
30 to 40 years after the second world war, the people in these nations were getting enlightened, were now better educated and some semblance of economic order had returned to these countries . The dictators and politicians got questioned. Only the other day, I was watching the Davos BBC debate and the world bank and politicians were taking pride on uplifting millions out of poverty in the last 20 years. Factually, it is this world bank and politicians, who are responsible for keeping the world under poverty for the first 40 years and to a great extent till date in most developing nations. It is only today , after 65 years that a nation like Egypt is celebrating the departure of yet another dictator.
When I talk to my western counterparts, they say, no wonder your countries were colonized, because you are anyway a bunch of tribals, who work and behave coherently only under a barrel of gun. And sometimes, I think , this is not too much wrong. How many of our nations actually return politicians who are worth governing their countries. Don't we return politicians ruling the tribals ?
In countries like S.Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, they successfully wiped out corruption and became some of the richest economies of the world. It was as easy as that, if actually the politicians wanted. All it takes is mass sacking of hundreds of officers in one single day and the next day, the whole country is free of corruption. But this needs a powerful , righteous and strong leader.
If India and China, today boost of growth, then it is very little to do with the governments there, but largely to do with the private sector and the middle class. Both these nations at least had invested heavily into education and the people in both these countries were very proud of their Tertiary qualifications. Which finally started resulting into Economic Output and Value Velocity, as soon as the capital got freely available. For China, it was easier, because when you start with a very low number, then growth numbers always look nicer. Say, growth from 100 to 200 is 100%, but growth of 10 million to 11 Million is only 10%. China had this numeral advantage. Both the nations are responsible for keeping their economies locked for 40 years and exploiting their own nation.
Did Japan and Europe not come our flattened from the second world. Was it not the open economies of these nations and the world bank/ Aid, which took them to such an enviable position today. Why is that Europe , Japan and US not turn to corruption. They were simple human beings like us. Perhaps, this shows that within human beings itself it is not everyone is equal. History and Sociology are reflections of how certain group of people from certain lands were always more progressive then the others, only on account of freedom and fair society. Only an open, fair, transparent and innovative society progresses. Whether it will live in peace and harmony is another debate. Others, will always fall in the hands of colonial/ political / corrupt masters.
The irony is that , everyone has moved to his comfort zone and does not care about the misgoverning anymore. Corruption of the order of million of dollars is considered a normal routine affair. Capitalism is now fully embedded in each society. The survival of the Richest is the new Darwin's Theory in the modern world.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Idealism Vs Realism!
If today, someone was to ask me, what is your biggest " Regret " in life? And the only answer I have is that my pursuit of Idealism.
What naked eyes see is the realism. What the mind forces you to enact is the Idealism. Somehow, it is only after the age of 40, when you actually start realizing that the acts of idealism was more of story telling and feeling of heroism. Factually, life was quite far from the idealistic stage. Nothing in fact in nature follows the path of idealism.
If you have been brought up with idealistic values, gone to good public school and have a culture that reflects the sensitivity of your surroundings , then you are into the trap of " Idealism" and continuously fight conflicts in your mind.
Third world, where I spent most of my life is torn with shameless corruption, cheating, insensitivity , religious intolerance, black marketing, tax avoidance, incompetence, nepotism, and the list can go on and on.
In such an environment, if one is idealistic, then he perhaps has to only spent most of his life fighting the system . On the other hand, we with this idealistic brought up are such a victim of the system that it has made us impotent and cowards.
None of us has the strength to challenge the dirty business around us . Only for good order sake and to mind our own business, we have tolerated this nonsense for so long. However, this indifference has made the system brutally corrupt. I lately met a bureaucrat who had amassed a wealth of USD 20 Million plus and was searching for place to park his money.
The last sight, which repeatedly comes to my eyes is when I saw a very old man selling newspapers on a street corner to earn his livelihood and around the same corner, a cop, who stopped motorbikes and collected cash for some fault or other.
Here is a state of things, when an idealistic person in an old age is earning his livelihood by selling newspapers and a well paid cop is earning extra income from illegal collections.
Step in any office in most third world countries and you will find that the population has simply resigned to the fact that without illegal payments, they cannot get across with their legal rights.
Will it take another revolution for this autocratic corrupt bureaucracy to be wiped out.
What naked eyes see is the realism. What the mind forces you to enact is the Idealism. Somehow, it is only after the age of 40, when you actually start realizing that the acts of idealism was more of story telling and feeling of heroism. Factually, life was quite far from the idealistic stage. Nothing in fact in nature follows the path of idealism.
If you have been brought up with idealistic values, gone to good public school and have a culture that reflects the sensitivity of your surroundings , then you are into the trap of " Idealism" and continuously fight conflicts in your mind.
Third world, where I spent most of my life is torn with shameless corruption, cheating, insensitivity , religious intolerance, black marketing, tax avoidance, incompetence, nepotism, and the list can go on and on.
In such an environment, if one is idealistic, then he perhaps has to only spent most of his life fighting the system . On the other hand, we with this idealistic brought up are such a victim of the system that it has made us impotent and cowards.
None of us has the strength to challenge the dirty business around us . Only for good order sake and to mind our own business, we have tolerated this nonsense for so long. However, this indifference has made the system brutally corrupt. I lately met a bureaucrat who had amassed a wealth of USD 20 Million plus and was searching for place to park his money.
The last sight, which repeatedly comes to my eyes is when I saw a very old man selling newspapers on a street corner to earn his livelihood and around the same corner, a cop, who stopped motorbikes and collected cash for some fault or other.
Here is a state of things, when an idealistic person in an old age is earning his livelihood by selling newspapers and a well paid cop is earning extra income from illegal collections.
Step in any office in most third world countries and you will find that the population has simply resigned to the fact that without illegal payments, they cannot get across with their legal rights.
Will it take another revolution for this autocratic corrupt bureaucracy to be wiped out.
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