Egypt after Tunisia has perhaps laid the precedence for all countries in the world to overthrow their governments, who fail to deliver. Egyptians , though quite late in time, yet they have again shown that when standing united ,the people can overthrow Dictators.
The Egypt model is exact replica of the Philippines model, where " Marcos" had to give way to its people`s unity. Indonesia also saw the same Change. However, only when it was on the brink of bankruptcy. Iran saw the same change. But the bigger question today is not about overthrowing of the dictators. But, did the governments subsequently installed made the nations anyway better then their dictators. Going by Philippines, Indonesia, Iran, the answer is " No" . There may have been far better Human Right Conditions and freedom of speech, but when it comes to governance, these are very poor exhibits of a nation which have shown maturity of serving its own people. It was practically going from " Frying Pan to Fire" Very little changed, when it came to Governance. Egypt has to learn from these failed models and come out with the best model which will take their country to the most successful and developed nation in the world.
If Egypt really wants to come up as the most unique and exemplary democracy . Then the first thing, it needs is to throw away its constitution and write a new constitution . It may be worth researching constitutions of countries like Norway, Denmark, Finland, UK, France, US and similar countries. Invite scholars and professors and judges from the top universities and debate the " Institutional Building " , which give fair, just and progressive system of governance . It also ensures that the ultimate power is always vested with the people and any bureaucracy that tries to exploit the system into corrupt practices is under an automatic supervision of the people themselves. These checks and balances left to the government have miserably failed , even in countries like US , UK and France.
I am reminded of the book " The Idea of Justice" of Amritya Sen , Nobel Laureate, wherein he has very elaborately debated the most effective form of Governance and has vivid examples including from the ancient Indian history . Where Ashoka builds the Niti ( Policies ) and Nyaya ( Justice) form of Governance, after being humbled by his own victory in the Kalinga war . He has quoted many a global philosophers on this issue in his book and is a good place for any country to refer, when it is on such a crossroad.
It is now or never again a chance for Egypt for its Reincarnation. Good Luck Egyptians!
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