Blogging Birds

Blogging Birds

Friday, February 25, 2011

Gaddaffi n Alike : Gods Gift To Mankind !

Dictators Believe that they are the " Gods Gift To Mankind" . Then there are others like democratically elected " Dictators" say Ahemidinijad, Hugos, Kazak Pres, Uzbek Pres, and so many more. Ofcourse not to forget that the Communist party rulers anyway believe that God comes only next to the party leader.

All of us have been watching Gaddaffi clinging to his seat firmly with his two arms clutched to the chair and crying like a baby for being recognized as the " King of Libya". Begging not to be booted out in this manner atleast. Who is bothered anyway!

Thanks to Tunisia and then Egypt, it has caused an awakening amongst the Arabs and hopefully soon amongst Africans and Asians. Each Dictator or autocratic regime is nervously looking at the events of Libya now.

Last Post, I wrote about UN and not so long from then, we again see the UN failure. Gaddaffi loyalist army and police and his tribal gangs killing the protesters and UN is issuing statements and sanctions . I wonder, when a Dictator is busy shielding himself against its own people, whether he actually cares for any foreign sanctions, no fly zones, arms embargo etc etc. At that particular time, it is for him ,life and death. He would deal with UN once back in grip.

Most interesting is about countries like Italy, UK, US and others who fell on Gaddaffi feet for their own oil massage . Are now issuing sanctions of arms, freezing of assets , financial sanctions etc etc . Not that the world has not been aware of the dictator for the last 42 years, but like I have written in another blog of mine, the economic reasons are the over riding relationship criterion . Same like doing business with Hitler , despite all his misadventures.

None of these countries ever had the power to throw Gaddaffi out. He became a kind of Hero for the Arab and African countries . Libya , despite having its large oil wealth is still a very poor nation. Thanks to the loot of Gaddaffi and his cronies. Atleast in Venezuela, the great friend of Gaddaffi, the one Oil company is practically the economy of the full country. For , whatever it is worth , that one oil company is still a source of job, income and wealth of that nation.

Most shameful was the act of British Government , who went in to release the Lockerbie bomber on Business grounds and frame it as compassionate ground. This itself show the hypocrisy of a developed nation. BP gets Libyan oil or not would have hardly made any difference to the people of UK, but the politicians, as what they are made out of , thought that if Gaddaffi was now a saint for Italians, Americans, then why should the Brits not consider him a holy cow. If BP Libyan business and Shell Libyan business sits on the dead bodies of " Lockerbie " and eats the fruits of profits from trading massacre to oil, then it is not these companies which are to be blamed, it is the politicians of these nations, who worked hard to get these companies there.

Gaddaffi`s Tent is now larger and like most other dictators , he lives in the world of hallucunations. UN has to become more proactive . Like I wrote before, any army which does not restore democratic set up within 6 months needs to be nullified and neutralized and its general tried for crimes against humanity. UN secretary general should have openly advised Gaddaffi of being run down by a foreign army, if he did not gracefully step down. But as usual, there are speeches, shouting and a drama, which no dictator cares and hopes that some loyalist will bail him out and he would continue with his stunts.

Nevertheless, it is now the time for an emergence of a New World Order.

Corrupt Governments and bureaucrat's should only count their days, because the revolution in these countries will not stop there and soon most other third world countries will over run their systems. The people in these nations are fighting corruption, failed institutions and bureaucracy, it is not so much to do with dictatorship or democracy.

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