Blogging Birds

Blogging Birds

Monday, June 6, 2011

Sex and the City : Strauss Kahn

What Berlusconi , Tiger Woods, Bill Clinton have different from Strauss Kahn is that they were not charged for sexual assault , but were all in the same circus.

The whole thing about sexual promiscuity needs a global debate and a new positioning. Unless, of course, we all wish to live in a fools paradise of covered up sex values.

There are good things about modern society and there are very good things about modern society. When in medieval age, women was restricted to home and family. The new age is about working women, independent and working alongside men in almost all areas of life.

Now, if one tends to believe that he is larger then the force of nature, otherwise, every area, where men and women have a common platform of interaction, there will be always forces of attraction , which brings people into physical and mental relationships outside their sphere of socially accepted family circle.

Women usually lead men and in no case a man does force jump his way onto a women, without the consent of a women. Unless you are a fool like Strauss Kahn .

In my own case of global travelling, I have experienced many a times, where the chambermaids tried wooing me for a sex stunt and it is only my own values that stop me from the adventures, but this did not mean that I rushed to the nearest court and filed a case of Rape.

I do not know the severity of assault by Strauss Kahn in his advances, but going by the global standards of sex sales, where hotels are notorious haven for out of family sex. Where sex selling is freely advertised in news papers as massage services and Internet offers sex on a click, then the moral and social and legal take of sex and sex charges have to be revisited.

Most women ask me this question, " Why is that men are not faithful to their wife ?" And I always tell them , " God has made men like this , so please ask God" When Strauss Kahn wife supports him after his misdemeanour then it is already a case, where women is ready to be with her man besides his misadventure. We saw the same case of Bill being bailed out by Hillary and hence the values and laws related to sex need a fresh debate.

Let me also assert here, that there is no such man in this world, ( Ok, there are few ) who is not longing to have sex outside his family. Blame it on the new world. Blame it on the new life. Blame it on whatever, but do come out and talk about the need for an understanding the marital position after sex outside the family, whether by men or by women.

The Fall Of Divinity of one man , one women is the price we have to pay for the modern life. Unless of course, we choose to accept that all women outside their home will wear a Burqa and men and women will be separated by arms length . So, choice is yours, to return to medieval ages and be content with women locked up in the home or a free independent women leading her way to a nice beautiful world and suitably aligning herself to the changing moral values. What was morally corrupt till yesterday is morally fit today.

And what happens on the Judgement Day ? Well with the whole world aligned into one value, then either God has to sent all and one to Heaven or all to Hell. Whichever way, United We Stand.

Khushwant Singh , a leading Indian journalist recently was asked at the age 90. " What did he regret most ?" And he replied that ," He did not sleep with enough women. he wished , he could have slept with more " Oh Lord, Give us this Day , our daily......................... And there be Heaven on Earth..........Amen.

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