Murdoch has built a global media empire. The sun never sets on the Media empires. They work 24x365 and now they are right there peeping into your bathrooms and bedrooms. The royalty to the politicians to the street vendor all have room on the silver screen of media. How, otherwise can a media business keep its customers glued to the TV or print media and now Internet.
I am a rather open person and the only place I shut myself is in the Toilet. So, for me, if media scans me byte by byte, it will still find juicer stories, but unless it makes me famous, who is bothered about poor me. I am not a salable character till some story of mine becomes a sucker on facebook or print media.
Now coming back to the Murdoch's phone tapping and the fall of the newspaper. If one is actually an open person, then usually he would believe that his words, his actions, his deeds are already compatible with the society and any case God is watching him, therefore, if media is also watching, does not really make a big difference. The phone tapping got done by the Police and the conversations were sold to the media in some cases. The Top Cop resigned and he should certainly resign. The police are always good in messing up, whether it is NY or UK or Norway or Afghanistan.
When I surf the web, within seconds, it starts returning advertisements on my search results, it then tracks me for each page I visit and each hyperlink I click etc etc. It follows me through till I log off and if somehow some virus could jump out of the screen, it would have actually made its way into my body and started flashing everything about me to the predators. So , what privacy are we talking about. None, what so ever. The modern man is connected to the internet and the internet is profiling your needs , your personality, your job, your salary, your girlfriends, your virtual sex life, your naughty affairs and all your secrets . In effect it is the " Real Me" , though well described as the " Virtual Me"
Luckily, Murdoch media is only blamed only for Phone Tapping. If a little more research was done, they would have found that it has hacked the computers of each of its subjects and lucidly fancied on the juicer details, which had commercial value.
We are now reaching a stage of Utopian world. Where everything is perfect. Thanks to the technology. No one will be able to hide nothing. No more hypocrisy, no more lies and no more cheating. Instant results will be flashed about the person on the net, Mr Poogle visited the prostitute 14 times, the best price he paid for his last prostitute was $9 for a short stint. He buys viagra online, his favorite site is Playcam, his girlfriend list is 45, well embedded in 587 facebook friends. His matching genes children can be found on Boulevard Corner and he was rated " C" in his performance appraisal by the madam. Courtesy : Pikkyleaks.
In a changed world, it is not that one has to make laws more stricter to not permit others to scan your life, but to modify your life to become nice and clean, so that it is like an open book for everyone to read. Murdoch is there everywhere around you now. How much will the people conceal themselves, there is no further scope. Till now, it was God , who was watching you. Now, everyone is watching you.
At the end, I don't really mind, if the politicians whom we trust to deliver the goods and services are regularly scanned for their conduct and job performance . No matter, what technology is used and what means are used.
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