Blogging Birds

Blogging Birds

Thursday, May 28, 2009

North Korea

Some of these Dictators and their lives have always fascinated me.

Kim Jong Il, 2, one of the most deeply respected Korean in the Korean Peninsula, now has announced his final weapon.

If you are flying close to North Korea, the thin air will sing a song in praise of Kim Jong Il, 2 , such is his control. If he would order his generals that the Sun has to rise from the West, it would actually happen the very next day.

What is most interesting is that the whole nation submits to him and nobody trust nobody for daring to dissent. Not even the top army generals.

If one was to go by BBC Happiness Index of societies in general and where Bhutan confirms that its Gross Happiness Index is higher then the rest of the world, then it has certainly missed out on North Korea. Though underfed malnutrioned, zero access to the rest of the world , zero materialism and being happy with whatever life has provided , yet contented and proud of being able to Keep the South Koreans and Americans out of their boundaries.

Having established the system in place, you need to then bring the rest of the world to your knees. Hence, Booooooooooooooooooooom and comes the Atom Bomb.

What is further interesting for me, how Pariah states, totally isolated from the rest of the world can still have access to Nuclear weapons. If it is so easy, then I reckon the world is soon going to be a very dangerous place. North Korea is still a state and may be contained, but private mafias and war lords and drug mafias do not have a boundary of operation.

Iran is another example, a nation now for more then 25 years under sanctions and so many of them that UN does not know, how to invent more sanctions against Iran. But Iran against North Korea is a very very different situation. Iran has shown resilience, had developed despite the sanctions and generally has a genuine happier society with the people having a right to dissent. Though dissent against the supreme leader can be dangerous , but so is it dangerous in any other country, if you are politically engaged.

Going back to North Korea, the first knee jerk reaction after the bomb is to call a UN security council meeting and look for another resolution. The security council has now run out of words and does not really know, what next sanction, then can put in place.
By the way, if UN is listening, I would strongly recommend that let UN be an Internet Global Organization and all meetings can take place online and with conference calls. As we tax payers are sick of paying for our diplomats flirting with words and making meaningless endless speeches at UN.
UN can have its own TV channel and let the countries debate over TV via satellite phones.

If only UN sanctions would work, Iran would have become bankrupt long back, Myanmar would have collapsed , North Korea would have had a civil war etc etc. Perhaps, Libya could be cited as the only one country, which fell in line because of sanctions. But again not on account of sanctions, however for the reincarnation of Gaddaffi.

Back to North Korea: So, what is the solution for North Korea. First of course US has to really think, what a mess it made out of the successful negotiations to dismantle the nuclear reactor.

It did not really give the Carrot, it promised to North Korea and antagonized the dear leader. The net result, now is total chaos.

The Americans believed that North Korea will collapse like Soviet Union , under its own weight. Totally misjudged, Soviet Union collapsed, because Gorbachev indirectly supported the collapse , though he himself wanted the economic recovery as per 1000 days plan. That is another long story.

North Korea is an extremely proud nation and has been enough brain conditioned that each of them will die for their dear leader, irrespective of what is the cause of war.

The way forward is to first accept that North Korea is a nuclear power and sent compliments to the dear leader for having successfully tested a nuclear bomb, despite the population starving and a bankrupt treasury.

Second, show patience for a while. I am an astrologer and hand reader. I have very extensively read his hand and forecast that dear Leader is already in his last stages. Either he would pass by November latest this year or he would not exceed his 70 th birthday any case.

It is sometime better to take help of ET , when mankind cannot resolve its own issues

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