Blogging Birds

Blogging Birds

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Syria : The War Lost.

Obama got bailed out by the Russians and the situation has changed dramatically.

For me , it is a very amusing to see , as to how the global leaders work with conflicts. Same US, which was threatening to damn Syria within 24 hours , not has taken a backfoot and not only that, it goes to weeks and months and as much as the time table shows the complete destruction of Chemical weapons by middle of 2014.

Weapons deceleration, weapons inspection, UN inspectors, destruction of weapons etc etc is all humbug of another kind. What stops Assad in moving the chemical weapons to Iran or Hizbollah or even hand it over to Al Qaida. Al Qaida only enemy in the world is one. I don't know, how all this makes sense. But for the time being Diplomacy has taken another turn.

The whole subject is about bringing about peace in Syria , it is not about people being killed by chemical weapons or conventional weapons. US really messed up. The statement which was apt was that enough the world has seen the killings of innocent Syrians and now it will not sit and watch anymore. However, it went in with Red Lines and Orange lines.

The delay in action by the world has ensured that Assad has practically won the war. Standing against the rebels for 3 years has brought up him legitimacy with whatever people are still there in Syria. The army has also shown loyalty to him and now with Russian support, it has become far more stronger then ever before. He is now in for atleast couple of more years.

The media has never been able to report as to how much of Syria is actually in hands of rebels and how much in the hands of Assad. If large part is with Assad, then any case the war is over. Rebels have no chance at all .

The initial defections of Syrian ministers did create a chance for the world to quickly act and take control, but US failed to act then.

The only way forward is to get the Rebels to now accept the Peace process with the current government and forget about the civil war. They have no chance for them to win anymore. Atleast, it will stop further killing of people and allow the millions of refugees from Jordan, Turkey, Iraq to get back to their home country.

Syria should then be entrusted with International Peace keeping force as was in Bosnia or Rwanda.

Let fresh elections take place and if Assad still succeeds in winning, then there is no choice for the world to accept that a war criminal ( as said by Ban Hi Moon) enjoys his peoples support. But let us try the election route once. Assad has already promised elections within 6 months of restoration of peace.

The Iraq experience or Libya experience are not really a happy situation, where dictators were removed and yet the country faces daily deaths with interfaith collusion's. Hence, for whatever it is worth for sometime, let the dictator continue.

Lesson to learn : Stitch in time, saves nine.

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