Blogging Birds

Blogging Birds

Sunday, May 31, 2015

ISIS Anti Virus !

ISIS propaganda is show of brutality to large audience, but is also a recruitment of young men and women.

Today, the biggest fear in any Moslem family is that, there child is not getting radicalized. It is like the drug addiction.

Like my sister tells me that Teen age is where the mind is getting rewired. All the circuits in the mind are getting new connections and the environment plays a key role in this rewiring.
This transition from childhood to teenage is the most sensitive time in the life of a person. 
ISIS has cleverly exploited this situation. 

No one missed the BBC documentary on Jihadi Brides and in all cases, it is these girls ran away from the family to join ISIS. Same for men . But interestingly, it is the first time, where one sees, the fighters joining ISIS are not from countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan or Indonesia, but from the Europe, US and Australia. 

In political terms, it was failure of the world to have stopped Syrian war in the early stages, but now, it is more complex  then just the Syria war or the Iraq losing its cities.  It is now the ISIS Virus, which is hitting the young generation.

Radicalization, Agression, Greed, Corruption, Hatred, Insenstivity etc etc are all viruses, which set in at early age. But the guardians, parents, teachers , friends do not identify these as potential threat to the society till something goes wrong.

Till we recognize these as potential harmful viruses at very early age and invest into their antidotes, this evil will keep coming back into the society.

These are all mental diseases and somehow in medical sciences, social mental diseases are not considered physical harmful to self and hence medical science does not address it. But a closer look at the blood profiling of a person can show the markers of extra chromosome,  are markers of criminals. Same way, one has to identify other markers within the blood profiling on Radicalism, Greed, Aggression, Corruption etc.
 I am a palmist and it only takes me a few minutes to identify a criminal or radical or cheat etc. But these abstract sciences are still not considered valid for personality profiling of a person. However, time has come to look at people in the Good, Bad and Evil equation and keep them sorted. Society has to push the Bad and Evil to Good or be marginalized.

One of the best marker is the scent of a person. However, dogs are the only species , which have this inherent quality of smelling and identifying the virtues. If dogs were trained to smell a radical person and then check on others, it was as easy as that. Same way for other virtues.

It must be made compulsory during college time to profile the transition of the child for all the mental viruses attacking him. These have to be dealt further with professional care. 

Social media has come to stay and no one will be able to stop the propaganda effect from it. The only solution is to neutralize the evil at early age. Viruses  within each religion are another feed for the young souls and the world  should take steps to take very strict action against such preachers.

Science has to take a social roll in cleaning up the mental viruses. Wealth creation has already been successful with Science. But it is a pity that even in the 21st century, we have wars, and killings and brutality, despite so much education and development.

Human being are the only species, which kills its own species. No other species within the animal kingdom kills its own. What a pity that we are even lower than animals , despite such a developed mind and body.

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